About Me 
Hi there! I am offering my services as a PFP Artist. I am an fast, Active, Responseble artist. I could get your work done within 1-2 hours,It depends on how hard your avatar is. I am mostly needing paypal as a payment since I need to help my family…
Here is my Commission sheet and also my work!
I am available at anytime, Ill be at your service no matter what, But I am not available 1 am untill 8 am. My time zone is Philippines (PHT). Remember if I don’t reply I am still sleeping or answer my assignments.
Stocks remaining: 999,999,999M
Prices are negotiable, It depends how hard your avatar is. The prices are the following:
Classic: 100 - 150 R$ // 2 - 2.5 $ USD
With or without tax
Deluxe: 200 - 250 R$ // 4 - 10 $ USD
With or Without tax
Support me by paying 10$ USD - I will make your PFP More affordable, and the best you have ordered
You can contact me on discord, as here I maybe Could not contact you
Discord: EDRBLX#7463
Roblox: edroi123
Please Note that Im not a scammer, I’ve done countless commisions before, And I never scammed them… I also have a youtube channel so If you think im a scammer go check it out!
Thanks for your time reading my portfolio!