Cheap gfx artist for hire

Hi! My name is Emilia. I am, what people consider as a cheap GFX artist.

To order from me, you must reply down below.

It costs 180 robux per image.

Have a look at some of my work:

anola yes


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Commissions are still open,is anyone interested?


Hi! I’m interested in hiring you. Message me on Discord: Pancake#6519


Would totally recommend @emiliqax, she delivered fast and did some great work too. pancake

Hey I’m also interested in hiring you. You can message me on Discord as well: virus#3200

Let me send you a message. (30 characters)

We need gfx for our game, Contact my discord : GenCyc#9949

Hello i sent you a message i would love some GFX

Hello, I love the examples. I would love to get into contact with you, my discord is GoldDev#2419

@gencyc, @AidanPlaysYT_Real, @misurb:


Apologies, my GFX commissions have been closed for months now due to my computer braking and I am unable to install Blender on my current PC.

This portfolio is outdated, I have made major improvements since then. When I possibly get a new PC, I’ll make sure to open my portfolio again. Make sure to stay updated.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Apology excepted thanks for notifying us. I can do it myself now though and i think its pretty nice. Like it?