CheatBlockeršŸ–„ļø V1.5.1 - free and strong anti cheat [ā¬‡ļø550+] (Fully Server Sided)

(Busted) Remote Data Encryption when:

using a car uploaded by Roblox


Update V1.5.1!


    1. Now everything okay when you drive in a car, it will not stop you from that.


    1. Now the Anti-AFK/BOT is better, now cheaters canā€™t duplicate ā€œdrawsā€, and they can not make the same ā€œdrawā€ over and over


ā­ Download FREE! ā­

Sigh. Here we go again this will be my last actual response to @WHYI_MFAT since I forgot he even existed at this timeline and thought he would take constructive criticism well but heā€™s still not at that point.

First of all, to prove that this guy for some reason does not take constructive criticism well.

Screenshot 2023-09-17 064359

He uses an AI to rate his product instead of focusing on actually taking constructive criticism well (from human beings on the internet) you can argue that he does improve or at least change stuff, so he is actually taking constructive criticism, but it is either even worse or just a few changes that either bring on more bugs/glitches or what not because his code is questionable at best @Vanniris makes a good point here: ā€œWhy are you using a wait? Plus, wait and spawn are deprecated. Consider using their task scheduler successors. Additionally, youā€™re mixing wait and task.wait in your code, so this leads me to believe that half the source of this was written by ChatGPT.ā€

And even if you do change for the matter your past will still be left behind you it wonā€™t just simply disappear my whole point of view was that you were making scummy products to try and make a quick buck and my point still stands for your past products.

Please actually take constructive criticism well and improve instead of ignoring it most of the time.


This is not the response I expected but okay can you read my post again.

Bye bye.

(I donā€™t think I am better than anyone else)

Please stop making me respond even though I said this would be my last response I know what Iā€™m writing your past products weā€™re scummy I expected a better response to my constructive criticism, but I guess not.

(Also, youā€™re literally attaching a screenshot of the point that I know that I am making I donā€™t make a post on the DevForum that says ā€œI donā€™t know what I am doingā€ please actually take my constructive criticism in a professional way)


What the hell is this

Also is this the reason you removed the chatGPT rating? 6.5/10? :joy:

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When is people cookies gonna be leaked?
Just saying, 4.1 the anti cheat is bad af

Like someone said (forgot their name), this isnā€™t a ā€œCheatBlockerā€, this is a ā€œPlayerBlockerā€.

Jk cuz Iā€™m not tryna get this taken down

In any case you would be the troller here.

Across your more than 20 posts youā€™ve received different feedback from over 200 developers. Feedback,


is not trolling. Weā€™re telling you


You posted a resource,

You should expect us to point whatā€™s bad about your resource,

Not everything you make is perfect

(nor is what everyone else makes).

But this is too far. You start to call us ā€œtrollsā€ because you cannot comprehend a singular word weā€™ve been speaking and the only terms you understand are from crap teachers like AlvinBlox, whom I believe you learned from, thus also have similarly disappointing code.

Please do better. The community would appreciate if you started taking feedback instead of calling us trolls. If you donā€™t want help, leave.

We all know that you can do better. Start from yourself, start learning English to a level you can talk to us fluently like you were a native. But this cannot continue. We tried our best, itā€™s like weā€™ve been talking to a rock all this time.


Funny how my past post of showing the AFK GUIā€™s structure got deleted after this no-good developer was unable to respond to my questions.

Anyways I believe considering getting a translator of his language; so that itā€™ll be easier to go and argue in his local language. :skull:

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Please join me and do this.

We donā€™t need this resource on the top anymore. Itā€™s over.


Iā€™d hate to be that guy, butā€¦

He only fixes issues and takes suggestions if people go like this:

  • ā€œAyyy, this is very well done! Just one thing, you have something wrong here!ā€

And everything else is just ā€œtrollingā€:

  • This resource is not good. It has major flaws, such as [ā€¦], maybe if you fixed that people would use it.

I would notā€¦

not everything is positiveā€¦

where did you saw him write:
ā€œAyyy, this is very well done! Just one thing, you have something wrong here!ā€?
this is why i say people like you are trollers.

Honestly just let the dude learn, heā€™s making mistakes and fixing them I donā€™t know what else you want from the dude any code anyone writes is gonna have bugs at first it doesnā€™t matter how long youā€™ve been programming also this might be a good opportunity for other people aspiring to make an anti-cheat, they can see where he went wrong and make progression quicker.

you actually cannot process basic English can you not.

the following were all the replies you ignored:
(there are more but i dont have time to go through them all)


While the client-sided thing was actually heard, you pretty much didnā€™t do it unless the entire DevForum was dumping on you.

you really created an anti-exploit which only does one thing: check player position and speed, thatā€™s not even an anti-cheat, least coming from someone who doesnā€™t even know what these are

you cannot even read english so you have to resort to ChatGPT to RATE your plugin and use it as an ā€œattorneyā€ to defend you.

Context wise:

When you published AIB (old topic now down), someone said your plugin was great and that you should revamp the UI, which you did.

However, when people said this plugin was bad because it was misleading and you should change that, you absolutely ignored them:

  • You kept repeating the same things that donā€™t even make sense,
  • Unless someone said your project is good, you ignored feedback from EXPERIENCED DEVELOPERS who are here to tell you whatā€™s wrong.
  • and just abandon the project.
  • and call us ā€œtrollsā€.

Hear me out:

Disliking a project is NOT TROLLING. Itā€™s feedback. Feed. Back.


I mean it. FEEDBACK.

This is not just ridiculous anymore. This is outraging. If you canā€™t differentiate between trolling and feedback, walk the heck out of that door.


itā€™s been over a year my guyā€¦ too many chances already. Not the first, not the second, third, fourth, fifth. Been over 14 times if I recall.

Not taking feedback eventually leads to a horrible project.
Terrible code also leads to unable to edit the resource to your liking.

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On top of that charging the said product (I think) and others alike that are made with low effort and (and possibly just copy-pastes) for a ridiculous price

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It doesnā€™t matter how many mistakes you make theyā€™re all learning experiences, this is the devforum people come here to learn and find out what needs fixing with their code etc, heā€™s likely not taking feedback because everyone is being rather rude to them, maybe a nicer approach would help, in all honesty Iā€™d probably igore people like that too.

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