Check a players status

I’ve been messing around with roblox api the past day or so and found out that you can still check a players last status before they were removed
Roblox’s Status
Its pretty simple but I think its kinda cool

local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService") -- get the service
game.ReplicatedStorage.FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(p,text) -- fire after you press the submit button
	local id = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(text) -- get the user id
	local url = "".. id.. "/status" -- the url of the site
	local data = HTTP:GetAsync(url) -- gets the data from the site
	local decoded = HTTP:JSONDecode(data) -- decodes it so it can be used in luau
	print(decoded.status) -- prints the status
	game.ReplicatedStorage.StatusEvent:FireClient(p,decoded.status) -- fires back to the client and into the text label

Heres the game


FYI it’s still possible to set status through the Feed page. If you share a new feed and refresh the endpoint response page you’ll see that it updates the status with the shared feed.

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Never knew that existed! The whole point of this is to check anybodies status, and not just your friends. The feed only shows status changes after your account creation. Plus nobody uses it lol