I’ve been messing around with roblox api the past day or so and found out that you can still check a players last status before they were removed
Roblox’s Status
Its pretty simple but I think its kinda cool
local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService") -- get the service
game.ReplicatedStorage.FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(p,text) -- fire after you press the submit button
local id = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(text) -- get the user id
local url = "https://users.rprxy.xyz/v1/users/".. id.. "/status" -- the url of the site
local data = HTTP:GetAsync(url) -- gets the data from the site
local decoded = HTTP:JSONDecode(data) -- decodes it so it can be used in luau
print(decoded.status) -- prints the status
game.ReplicatedStorage.StatusEvent:FireClient(p,decoded.status) -- fires back to the client and into the text label
Heres the game