Check Certain Item In Inventory?


I have a quick question!

Is it possible to check if player own certain item?
and if yes how?


In a custom made inventory or the one that roblox provides?

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If its the one that roblox provides then id say just check if the tool is inside of the backpack; and if you need to check if the player is actually holding a certain item then check it in their character because well like when you equip a tool it goes to your character


I mean if the player own item from the catalog

If they own an item inside of the catalog?
Like their actual roblox inventory?

I think you might have to you use Https

Inside the player’s actual inventory? like roblox website inventory?

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If they own Item from the real catalog…

Is it possible to check? or i need to use api?

Yeah id imagine youd have to use HTTPs


So I need to use api to check?

Please search to see if the question you are asking has already been solved:

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Https service, if I’m not mistaken.


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This helped me a lot with the issues i was having!