Check if a player is in range of a part by at least 70%

Using magnituide, how can I determine if a player is at least 70% in range based on the part’s area / size?
The Red Represents the part’s size, the Green is the 70% mark that I wish to detect using magnitude.
Basically, how can I use magnitude to do an if statement to detemine if the player is 70% inside that part.

Also a problem is I might not be able to use Magnitude, as that is a Circle.

if (char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - part.position).magnitude < [70% statement math] then


if (char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Part.Position).magnitude < (Part.Size.X*0.7) then

This will only work properly if the part is square.
Also it will do it in a circular area from the centre of the part. You’ll need to do a lot more math to figure out if it’s inside the square area or use a different API.

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Yeah I’m trying to see if there is a way for more complex shapes

Sorry for the misleading picture (it’s a square in the pic)

I’ll use Region3 to solve this problem.

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If the part is a square and is not rotated then you can use the isClose method:

char.HumanoidRootPart.Position:isClose(part.Position, part.Size.X/2*.7)

If the part needs to rotate then Region3 is insufficient. I suggest making an invisible collider part.


Not necessary, fairly redundant to be exact. He could simply use some maths to tell if objects are colliding.

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I’ve done the math before and you just end up writing a rectangular prisim collision algorithm which already exists by adding a collider part. It’s even more redundant to use math, and much slower.

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What you could try is getting the top right and bottom left corners of the shape and use their Y and Z coordinates, and then track the player’s position until their HumanoidRootPart’s position is within the two coordinates. Obviously this would be super laggy for if there’s a lot of parts in the game using this method, but with only one shouldn’t be too bad.

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local relativePos = part.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(humanoidRootPart.Position)
if math.abs(relativePos.X) <= part.Size.X * 0.7 * 0.5 and math.abs(relativePos.Z) <= part.Size.Z * 0.7 * 0.5 then

This will correctly handle rotated parts. You can also check the Y axis in exactly the same way if you want 3D checking, but your original question kind of implied you didn’t.


Don’t even need to do that, it’s basic CFrame math

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If it’s so basic, why didn’t you post an example?


i am interested in your method as i do not know of an easier OBB vs Point test

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Yeah, was my fault for even posting here. Not the one to share code all the time.

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