Check if object is currently rotating

Hello! I would just like to know how to check if an object (specifically the camera) is currently rotating. It would help a lot and help is appreciated. thank you!

By this I assume you mean how do you check if the player is currently moving their camera around?

You could connect some code in a localscript to RunService.RenderStepped, and hold onto the last frames Camera.CFrame.Rotation, then do a fuzzyeq check to see if they are the same or not. (Camera.CFrame.Rotation:FuzzyEq(LastCFrame, .01))

cframe1:FuzzyEq(cframe2, number) returns true if cframe1 and cframe2 are so similar to eachother, number has to be at or below .1 and determines how close they have to be to return true.

I did this

	local cCFrame = cam.CFrame
	local LastCFrame
	LastCFrame = cCFrame

	local rotating = cam.CFrame.Rotation:FuzzyEq(LastCFrame, 0.1)

but it didn’t work, it kept printing false no matter what

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added some comments to explain the modifications, if it doesn’t make sense then ask and I can explain further on whats confusing.

local LastCFrame = nil -- create it ouside of the connection

	local cCFrame = cam.CFrame
	-- this is for the first time, since it will start as nil.
	if not LastCFrame then LastCFrame = cCFrame end

	-- needs to have a `not` since it returns true if they aren't
	-- rotating. Also changed to LastCFrame.Rotation since before
	-- it was also comparing their positions, which caused the false
	-- issue
	local rotating = not cam.CFrame.Rotation:FuzzyEq(LastCFrame.Rotation, 0.01)
	-- set our current CFrame to be the lastCFrame, now the next
	-- renderstep will have it set to this rendersteps cframe
	LastCFrame = cCFrame

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