Check if the selected object exists?

Making a practicing game and this is bad

so this is the error

 Bot_4 is not a valid member of Workspace "Workspace"  -  Server  -  BotServer:26
  13:29:35.367  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  13:29:35.367  Script 'ServerScriptService.BotServer', Line 26  -  Studio  -  BotServer:26
  13:29:35.367  Stack End  -  Studio

If it’s nil it breaks the code and here is the code

-- Variables
local BotEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.BotEvent

-- Delays
local Debounce = false
local DebounceDelay = 5

local function Yield(s)
	local t = tick()
	while tick() - t < s do game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Wait() end
	return tick() - t

BotEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, BotStatus)
	local BotStorage = game.ServerStorage.Bots
	if BotStatus == true then
		-- add a bot to workspace
		local randomized = math.random(1, 5)
		local Bot = BotStorage["Bot_"..randomized]
		Bot:Clone().Parent = workspace
	elseif BotStatus == false then
		-- remove bot from workspace
		local randomized = math.random(1, 5)
		if workspace["Bot_"..randomized] then -- checking doesn't even work anymore
			local Bot = workspace["Bot_"..randomized]

is there a way to see if the selected object or I can just destroy 1 Bot from workspace with randomization any tips?

Fixed and it seems like nobody wanted to help me, anyway the solution I did was their name in tables if removed remove their name in the table and if added add their name to the table