Check if zip file / hyperlink is "potentially a virus" when sending through a reply / post / message

Note: I rushed this text out and i prob made some typos and put some text in the wrong spot but i think i didnt put any text in wrong spot
And expect looots of edits

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to … know if I press download on a post / reply and the download is malware / safe. (I can tell its safe if the post is popular for example Bloxstrap is popular so I can check the website out)

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because … I can finally download things without caution.
Hyperlink example:
Heres an example of one
Troll: hEy gO tO tHiS cOoL wEbSiTe
(dms hyper link)
Player: Alright!
ERROR: player gone from device
This is why I always right click and press inspect and check what the hyperlink is redirecting to before I press it / i hover my cursor over the hyperlink
A lot of people who arent experts at websites don’t know on how to do this so for players safety:
This is very tedious to do and hyperlinks should have a button to check where the hyperlink is redirecting to
and for mobile players on any website i dont think they can check if the hyperlink is a virus site

For zip file info:
The troll or any type of person who sent the zip file can edit the name of it to make the player believe that this is a different type of file or etc

I also can press right click and inspect key to check what the actual download name / file type or file extension and idk but its very very tedious

Zip file example:
Troll: Download this it has all my roblox studio games in a folder :slight_smile:
Troll: (sends / dms zip file with malware and etc)
ERROR: player gone from device

Summary i guess:
1st feature:
Zip files go through malwarebytes / another anti virus and warns the player about the file if its detected as a virus when the player sends through post, reply, message on dev forum
2nd feature:
Able to check which website a hyperlink redirects to

The most important (first feature) feature that i want to be added is Zip files go through malwarebytes / another antivirus and warns the player about the file if its detected as a virus when the player sends through post, reply, message on dev forum

Hopefully I didn’t give anyone ideas :sweat_smile:

Took an hour to write this :saluting_face:


This is a non-issue. “Don’t click random links”/“Don’t download random files” is the internet equivalent of “Don’t take candy from strangers”.


No? The file will still end with .zip if it’s a zip file? What are you talking about? Same for executables, they’ll be exe files

(and because I know someone will go on at me for it, yes I know about .scr/screensavers being exe files. OP can barely process thinking before clicking, they’re not going to be getting high effort targeted attacks)

Nah, I can edit the file type name
test.zipppppppppp I can edit the file type (114 Bytes)

there is just a notepad file in the zip file


I agree with what you said, however
some people dont know about that saying.

i have never heard of that in my entire life but i think .scr is a file extension

yes thats me!1!!

Who is they’re? be more specific
if u mean dev forum then
Small chance of a low effort / high effort targetted attack (if someone wants to get banned)

(25 min to write this)

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You spend 25 minutes and 7 edits to get your information completely wrong.

No you can’t, it literally says it in the URL.

I’ll just let this one speak for itself for anyone browsing this thread

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You spend ??? minutes and no edits to get some of your information completely wrong.

I knew this would happen: I can edit it in the post / reply / message, not in the HTML of course. and who even hovers over the download, looks at the bottom left, and looks all the way to the end of the html and check the file type, some of the people I know don’t even check the download.

yes i was aware of that but just saying my thoughts
and i have never seen .scr files

not all the information :confused:

Estimated number not really the exact

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This is actually a really good point. Someone could easily link something but change the title of the link to make it look friendly when it really isn’t.


Yes for example someone could edit the name of the download on the post / reply / message to for example Instructions.txt instead of Malware.exe
(if someone barely processes thinking before clicking)

Picture.png (3.0 MB)
As you can see this looks like an average png file but
this is actually a wmv file (video)

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I’ve been the target myself of malware using the SCR file format. It is essentially just an EXE, as stated.

You haven’t actually changed the file type. DevForum only allows select file types to be uploaded.

I can’t remember the list, but you haven’t actually changed the file type at all.

Pictures would embed on the forum though and most video types (excluding WMV).

I see this feature as frankly pointless. Your browser will block anything that’s deemed as suspicious anyways and even then, you should always run VirusTotal or some other AV solution.

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That has never happened to me

I made it a download, not a picture. and its just an example it could be something else

Thats tedious

It makes using the dev forum less tedious (for some people)

I changed it visually not digitally, in a real case malware could hide itself somewhere to make it almost impossible to delete it


DevForum does not support WMVs being embeded anyways

I’ve had it happen a few times and Windows SmartScreen will prevent you from running certain software. I’ve even had my browser flag up PNGs before from PairDrop!

You should have some level of protection on your computer. If you don’t, then that’s your own fault.

How? If you really think this is an issue, make a topic on instead of here.

You still haven’t changed the file extension. DevForum blocks anything that isn’t one of these file extensions from being uploaded.


There is a .lua, if I am not mistaken that is code.
Could be used as malware.
(not 100% sure and feel free to correct me if im wrong)


Probably could be used as malware but it’s commonly used to share Roblox scripts.

By default, Windows doesn’t have any application that can open Lua files anyways (I don’t think Roblox Studio makes a file association for it either).

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Yes, that was the intended use of the .lua file on Dev-Forum

If .lua files are ran immediately, this could be a major issue.

if it was used to share a roblox script, it could cause errors since .lua isnt .luau
and if malware was on the .lua file, it would be exceedingly dangerous.

I do have one, its called Windows Defender.
It scans each 2 days but it sometimes does false positives
And sometimes it cant detect malware
And thanks for tellling me about “You should have some level of protection on your computer. If you don’t, then that’s your own fault.”
I’ll do that I guess when I download stuff

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Idk whats discourse but sure
edit: nvm i remembered its main software of dev forum

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