Check out my New Group Logo

So I made a logo for my group. It’s a science group called emerald Industries, and I want to know what you guys think.


Fixed the actual logo up a bit, gave it more depth.

I recommend changing the text font. Other than that it looks fairly nice.


Due to lack of technical aspects in question, the category has been changed to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations.


Needs work. Looks like not a lot effort in it

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Its a good concept but maybe try a different gem shape? when I see that shape I think diamond

this shape kind of invokes emerald well also giving a techy feel, as for the gear a bit more depth and maybe some shine would help it really catch peoples eyes


It looks very nice, but it’s a bit simple.

I don’t know if that’s the theme you are going for. (If you are: It’s good)
I will recommend changing the text font a bit. The logo has outlines but the text has not.

Other than that: I like the simplicity. Keep it up!

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I really like it, i like simplicity and this logo is actually good. But you should improve it a bit, add few details, something like SupieUp did, added some shadows and instantly looks better.

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Hey looks great! Good job! Heres a design I done for you tell me if you like it :slight_smile:Logo1


Its good, except i dont see point in adding rainbow text, it could be blue/black, because this ammount of colours dont really match green. Also emeralds in the background was a good idea.

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This was just something I made for fun :smiley:

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Wow. Just wow. I was not expecting this much feedback, let alone this much support. Thank you.

Yeah I should probably clarify. The group is a science, sci-fi type group with a reactor core and machines, so I thought I might mention that the green cog is kind of an industrial/mechanical take on the science genre

Here is my take on your logo. Since I see others doing the same, I might as well do some practice. Emerald Industries is such a good name to work off of!practice :slight_smile:


That’s a fascinating take! It reminds me of a portal 2 poster, if you’ve ever played portal 2 :joy:

Wow, this looks really good! How long did it take to make?

I don’t know what Portal 2 poster you are talking about, unless you are talking about the style, flat colors and no lines. I primary use that style, using sharp shadows for 3D perspective. I also focus alot of effort into using gestalt principles in my logos. Logo design is about making your logo as memorable and unique as possible. In this, I use the emerald at top for “Emerald” and the gear at the bottom for “Industries”. The font also reminds you of a print.

Yeah the style. It gives off a portal vibe

Saw some other replies and honestly… I couldn’t resist.

Hopefully you like these mockups I made. Went for a modern style.


Sorry this isn’t accurate. We fired Alex Linscott years ago.


lol. Just lol. But I like the first one, looks clean!

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