Check out my sword


I was recently working on a project i was thinking of making a adventure game. So what I am finished right now is the swords i hope you like it!


Ill start with your after note about needing to hire people for scripting and terrain editing. You can not hire people if you do not pay them . You would be asking for free labor instead.

As for the swords, I saw a sword and then an axe. Are you saying you made the sword? Or the animation? If you made the sword did you also make the skin for it and the Axe? Or just the sword? Or neither? Anyways nice sword.

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This is not true. Some people are willing to work for free or for percentages.

On a un-off topic note, the swords look really good and I’m excited for your adventure game! One thing I’d suggest is making an idle animation for the sword and axe.

well percent-payment exists, things can be bargained outside of robux

This is true but he didn’t mention that. He only stated he didn’t have Robux. I cant make judgments based on missing information. It sounded like he was fishing for free work to me.

thanks for the tip ill try to do that

hey dude i want someone to work with me because im mid range coder and terrainer but i want an advanced scripter and terrainer so i guess i should delete the note can anyone can work with me thing

I would but im in the middle of my own project. If I finish it sometime before the end of the century Ill see what I can do.

What is it that you made exactly because I have seen that sword mesh in the toolbox. So what did you make here?