Check out this cool R15 and R6 compatible vibe game pose system I made

I’ve been playing a lot of vibe games recently and one thing that’s caught my eye that I can improve on are the pose systems. They’re all either R6 or R15 without any way of detecting which rig the player is using to fire different animations.

So today, I began work on a system that can use different animations depending on the type of rig the player is using, and also added a cool FOV effect to add a cherry on top.

R15 Poses

R6 Poses

I think it’s a huge improvement to what most bland vibe games have, allowing for more avatar creativity to be shown from the players.

I may actually be releasing this game soon if I ever get around to finishing it, and may start up some merchandise or game passes to return a profit for my work.

I’d like some feedback on this system I made including ideas for what to make here next to help improve on most vibe games. Thanks!


Looks very good. Hope to see more

Also you know you don’t have to limit yourself on the body parts as if they are “connected” r6 ignores the connected body part rule so u can have a bit more freedom on it