I basically wanna check a folder for values, and make sure
They have less than 10 values
Make sure those values don’t add up to 10
Is this the most efficient way possible? It looks kinda bleh
-- Check if they are allowed to add fish to inventory
if #PlayerData.StoredFish:GetChildren() < 10 then
-- Check individual values of each fish
local TotalFish = 0
for _, v in pairs(PlayerData.StoredFish:GetChildren()) do
TotalFish = TotalFish + v.Value
if TotalFish < 10 then
-- Update inventory
local StoredFish = PlayerData.StoredFish:FindFirstChild(Data[player])
if StoredFish then
-- They have the fish already
StoredFish.Value = StoredFish.Value + 1
-- Create the new value
local StoredFish = Instance.new('IntValue')
StoredFish.Name = Data[player]
StoredFish.Value = 1
StoredFish.Parent = PlayerData.StoredFish
Your code is totally fine, it’s as good as it can be. Only thing I’ll suggest doing is, instead of looping through the stored fish to get how many fishes there are, you simply just do
local TotalFish = #PlayerData.StoredFish:GetChildren()
Reason that doesn’t work tho, is each value has a Value. So like for example, the folder might contain
> 5
> 2
So if I did
local TotalFish = #PlayerData.StoredFish:GetChildren()
That would only return 2 (salmon and trout) but I need to also check to make sure their values don’t go past ten as well. So that’s why I loop through, so I get 7 as the total.
Can a player ever have 0 of a type of fish? If a type of fish is always guaranteed to have more than 0 you can just count them and avoid having the if #PlayerData.StoredFish:GetChildren() < 10 check.