For example I have a part here with tons of different descendants:
Now, I have another function that detects what object the cursor is touching ( hovering on ).
I do know that I can detect if the object that the cursor is touching’s parent contains TargettedThing by doing something like
if touching.Parent:FindFirstChild("TargettedThing") then
But the question is: What if I’m not directly touching a child of the MainPart? What if the cursor is touching SmallPart? I want it so that it can detect all the touched object’s parent and if they contain “TargettedThing” or not. How can I do this?
local function FindLastAncestorOfClass(object, class)
local ancestor = object:FindFirstAncestorOfClass(class)
if ancestor then
FindLastAncestorOfClass(object, class)
elseif not ancestor then
return ancestor
This is a generic function for finding the last ancestor of a particular class.
local Object = CursorPart
local AncestorName = "MainPart"
local Ancestor = Object:FindFirstAncestor(AncestorName) --recursively checks the object parents, until nil or MainPart is reached
if Ancestor then
print(Object.Name.." is a member of "..AncestorName)
local TargettedThing = Ancestor:FindFirstChild("TargettedThing", true) --recursively searches for "TargettedThing" inside Ancestor
print(Object.Name.." isn't a member of "..AncestorName)
I get what this code does, however I do not have the AncestorName in the code ( since I am checking if the touched item’s parent contains an object, and I do not know the touched item’s parent’s name ). Hmm?
function FindThing(part, thingName)
local thing = part:FindFirstChild(thingName)
if thing == nil then
if part.Parent ~= workspace then
return FindThing(part.Parent,thingName)
return thing
local targettedThing = FindThing(touching,"TargettedThing")
if targettedThing then
print("found the thing")
I should have used another example, for example MainPart is a folder and you can’t move your cursor on it in game, that is why I need to detect the cursor touched object which should be either Part or SmallPart and check if TargettedThing’s Parent is same with the cursor touched object’s parent.
However, if my cursor is on SmallPart then this thole thing doesn’t work, since SmallPart’s Parent’s Parent is Mainpart.