Checking for safechat


I was wondering if it’s still possible to check whether a player has safechat. Would that be possible in any way? Do they have to say a certain word or phrase, or something similar?

Any help would be appreciated.


Can you define this word? I can’t recognize it.

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you can use PolicyService but I’m not sure if this could have false flags due to people being from countries like the netherlands where fun is illegal


if this table is empty it means that they could have safe chat since <13 users cannot see social links

If the player is 13<

You can’t. The only way is the PolicyService which you can use to check for links. This will return false flags from countries that don’t allow socials

Checking for <13 seems a little suspicious. If you have 13+ content you need to fill out the age rating survey

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Technically, safechat isn’t a thing anymore.

People who were born after today’s date in 2013 might have stricter hashing filters when they chat.

But it’s more likely that young people can’t send or view others’ chat messages.

This is why some people can never respond to you no matter what you say.