local Material = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").FloorMaterial
if Material then
if running == false then
if Framework:WaitForChild("FootstepSounds"):WaitForChild("Walking"):WaitForChild(Material):GetChildren() then -- line 312
local items = Framework:WaitForChild("FootstepSounds"):WaitForChild("Walking"):FindFirstChild(Material):GetChildren()
I have never seen anything like this be printed and it has never printed this prior until now.
if you have an item called Grass and you are looking for it using an Enum, you have to say Enum.Name, otherwise you are just telling the system to look for Enum.Material.[WhateverMaterial] within Walking’s children.
This is an incorrect use of :WaitForChild(), and will break your code if the object is not there.
How so, I explain why its doing that.
It also literally says it in the message
It expects a string, instead it its getting an Enum, thus giving you an error. UserData can be many things, could be an Instance, EnumValue, essentially everything not in standard lua. Its also the same reason people recommend you use typeof over type.
All thats needed to know is that you are not giving it the correct value/DataType, which I gave a solution to fix it, which you seem to have ignored for appearently being unreleated despite being very much related to your issue.
Yeah, because thats totally the thing I was referring to the whole time.