Checking if any of table value matches any other table value

I’m making a mine spawner for my game. I want the mine to spawn along the mob path.

To track the path I placed points in every tile within the spawners radius, checking for the path waypoints.

I do this using the following script:

local corners = tower:WaitForChild("Corners")

for i, point in ipairs(waypoints:GetChildren()) do
	local distance = (point.Position - position).Magnitude

	if distance < maxRange then
		-- if point is with 1 stud of corner, add it to the list
		for _, corner in ipairs(corners:GetChildren()) do
			local cornerDistance = (point.Position - corner.Position).Magnitude
			if cornerDistance <= 5 then
				table.insert(points, point.Name)
				table.insert(points, point.Position.X)
				table.insert(points, point.Position.Y)


I know I can use Lerp to randomly spawn the mines between two points but;

I basically need to know if there is a way to loop each points X and Z value through every other points, find the 2 furthest points and where they intersect, and then spawn a mine randomly along those lines.