Checking If Children Exist

I am making a script that checks if children of a character exist. I just want to make it not error if they don’t. Ik about find first child but is there a way to do find all children in a way just to check if children exist?


Just do “if #Character:GetChildren() > 0,” and it will run the scope if there are children.


Ahh I see! And it wont error no?

Correct. Anything inside that if statement will run if there are children, and if there’s none, it’ll skip over that scope

How can I check if all the players in a game have children and if not then…

I had this problem a few weeks ago, but I got some solutions.

My recommended one is:

if Character:GetChildren()[1] then
--code here

This is better than doing

if #Character:GetChildren() > 0 then
--code here

This is because you’d be performing math rather than just checking to see if the table of children has a child in its first index or not, slightly more performant if I’m remembering correctly.


Mm I see. Cause math doesn’t lie XD

For this, you can do

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
     if Player:GetChildren()[1] then
          --code here

Hmm so a table then checking if anyone in the table has less than 1. Isn’t that just checking for the char though…

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No, all this does is check to see if there is a child or not. :GetChildren() only returns a table with the children of an object. So, by doing :GetChildren()[1], you’re checking to see if there is a value in the first index of that table. If there is one, then the object has children. If there is no child in the first index, then the object has no children.

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Ooooh I see! Thank you so much I’ll test it out rn! :smiley:

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So the code would be if there weren’t children, right?

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No, that code would only work if there is children inside of a player.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
     if Player:GetChildren()[1] then
          --code for if there is children
          --code for if there isn't children
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Oh ok gocha. Let me test it. :smiley:

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Wait when a player falls off the map there are still children though… I could just check so see if there is a humanoid no?

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Are you checking for if they die?

Wait one sec. I am checking something

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

while true do

	for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
			if Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("Stick") == nil and game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Stick") == nil then
				local NewStac = game.Workspace.Stac:Clone()
				NewStac.Name = "Stick"
				NewStac.Parent = game.Workspace
				local trueset
				local trueset2
				local randomset1 = math.random(1, 237)
				local randompos = math.random(100, 150)

				NewStac.Position =, 3, randompos)

end``` This is my whole script. Im trying to clone something into the humanoidrootpart and just clone it if the humanoidrootpart exists and there isnt already one in someones humanoidrootpart or the workspace.

Let me test it rq and check for errors.

I think he means player characters.