Checking Script Performance?

Basically what I am saying is that is there a way to check script performance such as its execution, performance and stability, I heard there is micro-profiler but I don’t know how to use it

here is an image that shows it

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Simply navigate to the ‘View’ tab and enable Script Performance, then enter the game. Your scripts should remain below 3% each.


Well i basicly already showed where it was :confused:

As your question about Script Performance has been answered, I’ll address one of your other comments:

A basic introduction to the MicroProfiler can be found on this Developer Hub article, however, I’d also highly recommend utilizing the following guide posted by another Developer Forum user ( who’s currently in the Accelerator program :happy4: ) which covers the MicroProfiler quite well. There’s an explanation of how it works along with documentation that includes tons of useful info!

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so um… I have a script that reaches 52% maximum… how would I go about optimizing that? (for context it a Bot AI)