I am currently making a small update to my newest game but I have run into checkpoints issue, which is where you respawn at random points, mostly in original spawn.
I had runned into this issue many times and everytime I tried to fix it ended up in me giving up after quite a bit of time spended on trying to fix it.
I am not looking towards havng hours of my life taken away, I rather have these ready to be taken while I am making my future other games.
There are no scripts, it’s all made using spawnable checkpoints and teams [ Soccer ball icon ]
If anyone knows how to fix this issue I would be grateful
local checkpoints = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Checkpoints"):GetChildren()
for i, checkpoint in pairs(checkpoints) do
checkpoint.TeamColor = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(checkpoint.Name).TeamColor
checkpoint.BrickColor = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(checkpoint.Name).TeamColor
And put this script in serverscript service as well:
player.Team = game.Teams.Stage1 -- change the Stage1 to whatever team you want, this will be the starter team!
And also make sure the checkpoints color are the same as the team color!