Checkpoints Issue

I am currently making a small update to my newest game but I have run into checkpoints issue, which is where you respawn at random points, mostly in original spawn.

I had runned into this issue many times and everytime I tried to fix it ended up in me giving up after quite a bit of time spended on trying to fix it.
I am not looking towards havng hours of my life taken away, I rather have these ready to be taken while I am making my future other games.

There are no scripts, it’s all made using spawnable checkpoints and teams [ Soccer ball icon ]

If anyone knows how to fix this issue I would be grateful

Are you using SpawnLocations as the checkpoints? Or no?

Put this script in serverscriptservice:

local checkpoints = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Checkpoints"):GetChildren()

for i, checkpoint in pairs(checkpoints) do
   checkpoint.TeamColor = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(checkpoint.Name).TeamColor
   checkpoint.BrickColor = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(checkpoint.Name).TeamColor

And put this script in serverscript service as well:

   player.Team = game.Teams.Stage1 -- change the Stage1 to whatever team you want, this will be the starter team!

And also make sure the checkpoints color are the same as the team color!

Sorry for not replying but it was late at night when I made this. Yes I am using spawnable spawn locations.

@Corruptux Thank you I gonna try and see if it works

It didn’t work, everytime I die after reaching checkpoint 1 I spawn either in spawn or normally at the checkpoint

interesting… it should work, it’s probably an issue outside the script. check if the checkpoint color is the same as the team color.