CheeseRespect Developments
Open for all types of commissions, including
- Small Scripting jobs
- Large Scripting Jobs
- SMALL, Non-detailed building jobs
- User Interfaces
- Anything that isn’t building e.g. GFX
Large Jobs
Cost: 130 - 5590 Robux
Small Jobs
No more than 500 Robux.
Make sure to contact CheeseRespect for all of your work
DM me on the devforum now!
Can you script simple vehicle systems, for example, a mini tank?
As long as you give me a mesh or a model for the tank, I can sure try.
Perfect, yeah I do have a mesh for the tank, the turret is separated from the body, and they are welded properly, add me on discord @ jakeee#6454
Great, sent a Friend Request. Look forward to working with you.
I recommend you provide some links or images to your past work so that we can see how good you are at what you can do.