Chest health not taking damage

Hello everybody, I have this script that controls pet attacks I ran a print statement at the chest HP is going down, but the textLabel is stuck at 10M

Screenshot 2022-08-07 220745
The script is inside the textLabel.

This script basically abbreviates numbers and shows the abbreviated text.

local HealthText = script.Parent
local Chest = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local Health = Chest.Health

local number = Health.Value

local abbreviations = {
	K = 4,
	M = 7,
	B = 10,
	Qa = 13, 


local text = tostring(math.floor(number))

local ChosenAbbreviation 
for abbreviation, digits in pairs(abbreviations) do 
	if #text >= digits and #text < (digits + 3 ) then 
		ChosenAbbreviation = abbreviation

if ChosenAbbreviation then 
	local digits = abbreviations[ChosenAbbreviation]

	local rounded =  math.floor(number/ 10 ^ (digits- 2 )) * 10 ^ (digits - 2 )

	text = "HP:" .. string.format("%.1f", rounded / 10 ^ (digits - 1 ))..ChosenAbbreviation
	--text = "" .. string.format("%.1f", rounded / 10 ^ (digits - 1 ))..ChosenAbbreviation.." HP"
	text = "HP:"..number


while true do 
	HealthText.Text = text


nvm i figure it out I just had to change the location of the while true do loop