Chicken FPS game help

hello i am very new to scripting and i want to learn how to make a chicken shoot eggs it is for my game I am making a chicken FPS game so it is basiclly a a gun that shoots but a chicken can anyone help me!


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Use raycasting. Its what people mainly use for guns. But thats just for the target.

So, u basically needs to use raycasting here’s a link

There is also a tutoriall on youtube;

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Maybe you don’t have to but they might be right but you can try using lookvector I guess

Huh I thought look vector will work
Wait are you making the chicken shooting eggs at you

yes the chicken is shooting eggs at people

bruh, do some research my guy. use raycasting as @henrydanger5472 said

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k maybe!!!

Oh, so the chicken needs to shoot eggs to random players?

ooooh ok i will try it out thx so much

Hmm maybe the video will work I’m not good at scripting

yes its a FPS so like arsenel so you shoot at people

But still u can change the script a little bit so the chicken shoots at random people. Or try using free models and learn from them.

oh ok i will try it our idk lol

Is it a weapon that players can use or is it a script causing a object to shoot

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ok yeah maybe i will try it lol i just wanted some tips

it is a object the object is the chicken

so it would be a tool so yeah…

So its actually a gun but in the shape of a chicken then you should just watch the youtube tutorail.

Ok search up how to make a gun in roblox studio or watch that video