Host Guide
Copy and Paste this in discord using ;shout. TRAININGS | Trainings will be hosted by [NAME HERE] at [TIME HERE]. Trainees why not come down to become staff?
The host announces the session by using ;shout in discord.
The host will then group each trainer according to when they joined the session.
(wait 30 sec to make the ui go away, the command will slock the server already. No one will be able to join)
;sm Once I open the doors please find a computer and stand behind it.
Open the doors.
(after everyone’s in close the doors with !close)
;sm Hello, welcome to the [TIME HERE] training session! My name is [NAME HERE] and I am joined by my co-host, [NAME HERE] .
;sm At this time please do not talk.
;sm I am now going to talk about some guidelines, tips, and notices for your training session. Also some memorable things you may want to note for your future here at Chicken N Dough.
;sm We promote a lot of people as some of you may notice, but do NOT hint for a promotion. This can lead to a demotion or a suspension, also it will lower your chance of being promoted in the future.
;sm Our communications server more frequently known as a discourd server is a great way to keep in touch with each other and to announce our sessions.
;sm I will be now going over guidelines that you must follow in order to avoid failing.
;sm You must be professional at all times, this can higher your chances of passing today’s training.
;sm Permission to speak is always effect during the training. Speaking without permission will be removed from the server, this is only not in effect once your training has started or you’ve answered a question.
;sm Grammar strikes will be given, you must use grammar in your interview and now. You will be given I I I I I grammar strikes if you get all of the strikes you’ve automatically failed.
;sm Please abide by all Roblox Terms of Service and rules, following these rules stop you from being rude.
;sm Trolling is not tolerated here at any industry but, especially not here. The staff have spent their own time coming here, so please don’t waste their time.
;sm Good luck, and have fun with your training.
;sm All trainers can start with the guide.
Stick around the server to help people. After everyone is passed and ranked you will have to shutdown the server.
Its very easy all you need to do is say !end.
!end will shut down the server in 30 sec and everyone will get kicked.
After that you would shout on the wall that your done with the training.