Chickynoid, server authoritative character replacement

Are there plans to allow the ability to easily override certain parts of the humanoiddescription for the character model? Like we can with the default humanoids via Game Settings > Avatar.

Is there an easy way to stop player chickynoid from loading until a line of code is called?


		playerRecord.allowedToSpawn = false

And is there a function to load the chickynoid like player:LoadCharacter() equivalent? Or does it do that when I make allowedToSpawn = true – pretend this is strikedthrough idk how to do that

Ok yeah it does.

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How can I get the limbs of the local chickynoid in a custom Client Mod module from the Client chickynoid module?

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keep in mind the character model is not always loaded, so you need to find a way to wait for it to fully load, idk why chickynoid does that even when using the OnModelCreated event.


Do this instead:

also you can get the full character object by doing:

Client.characters["local player userid here"]
to get the characters you can also do:


So tracking character’s hit boxes are kinda risky now?

Oh I didn’t notice that property how could I have missed that! Thank you.

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character models only exist on client’s view. servers only see the data and a single box for it’s collider.

You can access the hitbox from the server by doing:

When registering a hit make sure to use antilag functions to compensate for latency
Antilag:PushPlayerPositionsToTime(self.playerRecord, ServerTime)

once you are done casting your hit, call pop
Antilag:Pop() --Don't forget!

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It seems like the camera lags behind the client chickynoid when I set the Humanoid.CameraOffset to, 1, -2), when I don’t set it it’s fine. This is different for Roblox humanoids. How can I fix this?

This is because the character doesnt moves instantly with the camera and has a small delay. this is done to make it feel smooth because of the interpolation

search for this code on MoveTypeWalking

and change it so its instant, keep in mind if you change it, it will also remove the interpolation for other characters, so you would need to make it only remove the interpolation on the client chickynoid

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It has made it better but the camera still lagging behind a bit

I’ll show you for reference what a humanoid looks like.

I dont really know the cause of this then

Hmm, it might just be an issue with the roblox camera before I thought it locked 1:1 but it turns out when I spin really fast it goes out of place. It might be a little better tho.

I downloaded the newest version of chickynoid and it seems changes have been made to it, it seems that support for parallel luau is being worked on.

Does this mean we will be forced to change code to work on parallel luau? (I hope not because I don’t even know how to use parallel luau).

Oh that was definitely not meant to go live.Woops!

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I keep getting direct messages on the dev forum about help on chickynoid and one of them was about, how to add climbing, So I told the user how it would technically be possible to do this, and I couldnt get off my mind. So I decided to start coding climbing for no reason!

For now, it just lets you stick to the wall and resets your force to 0 so if you are falling you do not keep the velocity.


So I kept doing more work on this and kept hitting my head into a brickwall as to how to even detect if we are on a ladder. I dont know if chickynoid has a way to get all the objects we are colliding against, and even worse I didnt know how to do the math to check if we are facing the ladder.

Even harder, if technically we are touching 2 ladders at the same time how do I choose which ladder to select as the current ladder.

I just gave up and ended up casting a ray using the mouse position and locking the ray to not go upwards or downwards, when the ray casts against a basepart with the attribute ladder, you enter the climbing state which is using a lot of code from the flying state that comes in with chickynoid

The result is not satisfying yet… But its good that at least im learning how to use movetypes to build the things I want.


Brilliant stuff, have just finished getting the basics set up to spawn in a player/bot and handle their movement. A couple questions:

1 - Is there any parity with chickynoid and methods on humanoids such as :MoveTo, or would these need to be remade? Seeing as at a glance, it looks like you need to set a bot’s desired movement every frame.

This is largely fine for my own use case, though my old code involving humanoids used MoveTo and MoveToFinished to handle certain behaviours. Just wanted to check beforehand so I know whether or not I need to entirely rewrite this behaviour.

2 - Is there a way to customise the size of a character or bot? The default size seems to be 3, 5, 3 - but I was wondering if there’s in-built support for larger characters i.e. bosses. The github page mentions the size being fixed as a drawback - though can we still specify unique sizes per bot (just not dynamically change them), or does this mean that it must be one universal size for all chickynoids, period?

Edit: It seems there’s a pretty big disparity between the github provided repo and the uncopylocked place. Are there any plans to bring the github version up to date? I’m using wally to implement it, so this would save a lot of headaches :sweat_smile:

It also seems that when launching the uncopylocked place in a test, this error floods the output and my character refuses to spawn in. What could be the cause of this? I’ve not made any changes to the place.

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You should ask @Luclfer about :MoveTo() , that guy is very smart and even managed to make pathfinding for chickynoid.

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