Chickynoid, server authoritative character replacement

Oh nooo the uncopylocked place is in a shambles right now
Ill have to fix it up. I’d say the git is the best repo rn.


Also, apologies - I’ve just looked more closely and realised the github repo isn’t outdated. Instead, I’ve noticed that Wally doesn’t pull in the same code that’s available on the repo, despite using the latest version it offers (0.1.5) . I also tried version 0.1.4 for good measure, but no luck.

Is this an issue on my end, or an issue with Wally/the repo? I noticed that it misses a lot of the functionality involving custom characters, and pasting it back in didn’t simply fix it as I’d hoped :sweat_smile:

CharacterModel init.lua file sample in VSCode when installed from Wally:

The same file on the repo (notice the added custom character support via character mods & callbacks):

The same file in studio (matches repo):

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I will update it all, I didnt realize it’d had all gotten out of sync so badly. As for Wally, and wally packages - someone else kindly set that up, so I’ll have to figure out what to do to get that pointed at latest.

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Sweet, thank you kindly! I’ve made do with cloning the repo directly and pasting the code into my project for now, which works like a dream.

Quick side question - is there a straightforward way to set the rotation of a bot/character when relocating them? i.e. :SetPosition on a chickynoid connection will move them to a desired location, but what could then be done to have them face in a specific direction?

I think you just have to grab their simulation and set the angle there

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Cant he just also use command.fa with aimlock on, to make them face towards a point or something?

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What could be causing this flickering issue when many bots converge at one place? It seems to only be happening client-sided and gets more aggressive when the avatars are tightly packed together.

Edit: Disregard this - I didn’t realise the roots of the rigs were unanchored. Now fixed!


Sorry to ask, but could you publish Chickynoid to npm? I’m a fellow roblox-ts user and it looks like the repository already has a types folder with everything necessary to be used with roblox-ts.

I briefly remember that it was on npm a few months ago iirc.

Can anyone give me an explanation for this, If chickynoid doesnt trusts the client for the physics how is my friend able to stop his physics when he holds the X button on his client window?

Check out the keybind X, if it’s assigned to something. Using the Find All/Replace

Server setting, you want to enable antiwarp.


Thanks it fixed it and completely fixed the exploit.

Question what exactly does antiwarp does and why is it off by deffault?

it makes sure you’ve sent a packet in the last 1/20th of a second, and if you have not it makes one. It has a pretty fussy tolerance right now though, so it should have a longer timer before it kicks in as it makes mispredicts.


Found this because a video by @CCTVStudios showed up on my YouTube home page. This is amazing work you’ve done, and I’m excited to see the project grow!
It sucks that Roblox doesn’t have any way for scripts to check the rig type in Game Settings. Maybe there could be a way to check the rig type by looking at the humanoid before it gets replaced by Chickynoid?

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Yo that’s so cool, thanks for watching my vid, maybe one day I’ll do a chickynoid tutorial, but until I finish properly learning it, I cannot make one since I don’t want to spread misinformation.

My favorite part about that video is the ammount of exploiters coping saying they can bypass chickynoid lol.


Why does GenerateCommand module have built in cheats?

Speed cheat and suspend cheat are worthless it’s just make yourself looks like a laggy player

Probably just added there for testing purposes, if you want to get rid of them just delete them, if you also want to get rid of fly you also need to go to the “NicerHumanoid” script and remove this


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Yeah, these are specifically the types of cheats that the system is designed to block :slight_smile: Pull them out when you don’t need 'em anymore.

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So while reading how Weapons worked when equipped, I noticed how the server can only equip weapons, and then tell our client to equip that on its world state, while this is mostly fine, sometimes when latency is bad it can screw us over. So, I modified a bit the ClientWeapons script and made it so clients instantly equip weapons via a command and also do it from the server to stay synced.

It works with the default chickynoid weapons included!, I still need to re add the og behavior just in case the server dictates that we should unequip our weapons and then replicate it to our client.

is it possible for chickynoid to accurately traverse unions and if so how would i make it do that?