Chickynoid, server authoritative character replacement

Does anyone know a way to add and remove parts in real time in chickynoid.

Adding a part while the game is already running wont add them to the physics engine chickynoid uses, same for destroying parts.

I am looking to know how to do this because in my game I have objects you can destroy, Also is there a way to update the physics engine once certain parts move?

Chickynoid already tracks changes such as descendants being added to/removed from the collision root folder (CollisionModule line 895/900) . As long as you are parenting your parts to the collision root folder (“GameArea” in the example place), the physics engine should cache them.


Does anyone know how to convert the angle provided by simulation.state.angle in chickynoid into a Vector3?

all I know is this function converts the angle into the data chickynoid uses but I have no idea how to convert it back into a Vector3

I’m trying to use the angle of the character to perform certain calculations for my revamped ladder character controller that I plan to release soon.

MathUtils:PlayerAngleToVec, about four lines away. :smiley:

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Why did I not get notified of your response, I just figured it out, but thanks for replying, I didn’t saw the function because it was called almost the same as the other function.

Hooray now I can detect ladders!

(I copied what the roblox character controller does but with less raycasts bc too expensive)

Didn’t mean to mark this as a reply, sorry for the ping! I tapped something on my phone accidentally :sweat_smile:

After a 3 month hiatus, decided to work on my project again. Here’s a showcase of a fast paced katana weapon/class with the 100% use of Chickynoid(including the NPCs which are just Chickynoid bots with advanced AI capabilities).

As a developer, if something seems impossible with Chickynoid, just know that everything is possible. Good luck to anyone taking on this framework :slightly_smiling_face:


Your project looks really good and your combat system also , btw I have some question :

  • Imagine a bot far away from the player , how would you stop replication ?
  • How do you move your npc, do you use pathfinding ?
  • How do you plays your animations for your bot ?
  • How do you add model on your bot (armor…)
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Imagine a bot far away from the player , how would you stop replication ?

Distance based replication is a built-in feature. Server mods have the ability to decide who sees what.

How do you move your npc, do you use pathfinding ?

No, but others have implemented it - the bots are pretty easy to write for.

How do you plays your animations for your bot ?

Adding animations requires adding animation enums and triggering them through simulation mods.

How do you add model on your bot (armor…)

Client code decides how models look. You supply info and create the model to look however you want.


I have to agree, I started using chickynoid 4 months ago for a real project and it wasn’t until a month ago where i finally decided to use it for my project after I made a proof of concept game with it to see if it wouldn’t be a failure from the start like rift royale was.

Ever since that I have been writing the framework for my game (properly) and I can say chickynoid is amazing, although it has required me to do some forks to the code from time to time for some stuff I make to work (mods can’t always do everything)

However a serious concern I have is the fact that roblox has announced that server authoritative physics are comming to the engine, meaning all of my work on chickynoid could be rendered uselless after this happens, but only time will tell.


When did they announced sevrer authoritative physics, could you send the link ?

Server auth physics from roblox are probably still a long time away. It would be nice though!

Will remote event reliability be a good update for Chickynoid , how will you use it ?

Yes! I think I might of been the loudest person asking for it :smiley:
Both the client and server data streams will switch to unreliable as soon as its available - it’ll make the whole system much more pleasant if you have a bit of packet loss.


I still dont know why roblox hasn’t added this in its 14 years of existance, like they focuss on bringing multiplayer games to life, how did they expect people to do this without unreliable packets, every game has used these, even games older than roblox.

There is so much more to add on roblox and I still don’t understand why they’re not added , I would say for example :

  • custom instance replication
  • API to set server region can be implemented with TeleportService

These 2 are really important for player experience …


Its a bit hacky but you can do custom instance replication using PlayerGui

remote events also work you know…

From a recent post on character controllers:

Do yall think this will come out soon?, it seems from what I heard from bitdancer, roblox is working rn on UPD remotes and server authoritative physics, but as he said “Do you know how expensive it is to run physics on a server”, this could probably mean it could be a long way as it hints the fact that they are optimizing the physics engine so it can handle more.