Chinese food(FeedBack)

Hey Developers, What isn’t better than Chinese food? The past 2 days I have been working on food for my build called sushi bar. I wanna know what you guys think! The Foods: Orange Chicken, Lobster, Sushi. Drinks: Red Wine and Water.(Soda Products will come soon).


Thank you for reading! Hope this doesn’t make your hungry! :slight_smile: :smiley:


First of all, it is an excellent construction, the food seems quite appetizing, you have done a good job, I really liked the design and the textures that you gave it a good job


Thank You! Much Appreciated! I tried too make it look realistic I think I did a pretty good job. Thank You for your feedback:)


Looks very nice! maybe use meshes for the round plate and fork to give it more of a realistic design to it, and maybe add rounded corners for the corners of the wooden searching plate,

Other then that, love it!
Keep it up! :smile:

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I am thinking of putting steak also, You guys think it (fits in with Chinese food)?


Steak will not fit to chinese food, because my laarg wisdom. By the way, the ones with sushi (wait, it’s not fully chinese food) are cool!


Sushi is Japanese but nonetheless this looks awesome!

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you should add steam to it so it looks delicious mmm

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  • The fork and other utensiles don’t look realistic.

  • Most of the items are blocky. This may be the style you were going for though.


Apart from that, the ‘food’ looks great. I’d like to see some more food from you :slight_smile:


Maybe this is because I’m in the middle of a music composition class covering the most boring of instruments(the bass clarinet), but this made me hungry. Well done!


I love this, you did an excellent job! Just be careful with the red-wine stuff, I’ve seen games get moderated for selling that stuff. But amazing job, I love it!

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Try using meshes for the plate, also, Chinese people do not use forks and spoons (My mistake, thanks @Macawmangrovve12 for fixing me) , which both look very odd…
The food looks realistic, although I don’t like the plate, try using meshes to smoothen the plate and to give it a more realistic design.
I’m not sure, but I believe you used unions for the glasses? I don’t really know, however the water glass looks very odd in my opinion, maybe try to reshape it into a normal glass, not a wine glass?


Sorry for such criticism, it’s just my opinion, I like the work, I hope my post doesn’t offend you or anything… I wish you the best! :slightly_smiling_face:


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Amazing job, it looks delicious just to see. :yum:

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As a Chinese person, I confirm we use forks and spoons like any other human being. When eating.

Also, @camveyy you bumped a 5 month old post.

That’s interesting, I thought they avoid using them, especially knifes, thanks for the note though!

LOL OMG, I never noticed. Thanks for telling me.

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I do think they use forks and knives. However, from my experience, they are most commonly used in American-Chinese restaurants. (sorry for sounding rude, LOL).

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Might be just me, but I think the tools look kinda weird.

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Looks good. Fork looks kinda clunky and the spoon looks very much inappropriate and very alike to something else…
Great job

Were these made in studio or blender? Either way, these are amazing!

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