Chinese Wood Lamp

So I was bored and I decided to try to make this Chinese Wood Lamp that I actually have in my house. I’m very new to modeling but I decided to try anyway. What do you think? What could I improve on later creations?

Here’s a Picture:

Also the actually model if you want to use it: ChineseWoodLamp.rbxm (5.2 KB)


It looks spectacular! Keep up the good work.

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wow that looks amazing! props! :stuck_out_tongue: good work!

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Not bad at all, but here are some suggestions for the future:

One of the few things about modeling and drawing both as a 3D artist and artist is to observe the object carefully. You know when you observed it fully when you can close your eyes and get a clear visualization in your brain.

Then use your brain and see how you can reduce the complex shape into simpler shapes. If you are really into modeling, I suggest you start doing this with the everyday objects you see. Formulate of an obejct’s structure and visualize what basic shaps it is made up of.

When you are finally ready, try to construct it in studio and see how it goes. You don’t need to finish it right away but you should get a rough shape. Compare that rough shape to the real object and spot the differences and see how you can improve.

The best way to start these types of projects is to have the real thing by hand and just start. :+1:

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Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll definitely use it in the future.

xin xeng hanji !!
xin xen hanji

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uh image


You should change the light part’s material to neon. The light looks bland otherwise, but looks okay.

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I am 99% sure that the comment is a poor attempt at referring to the song “If You Feel My Love” by Dehao Zhang, which became a meme a few months ago. The pinyin of the lyrics is incorrect. Thus the ridiculous translation.

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