Choose Map Option With Queue or Competition?

In my game, where there is a rotation of maps, I just added a developer product, which lets the player’s to choose the next map manually for 10 Robux.

As the system is now, if one player donates 10 robux and chooses a map, and then another player does too, player 1’s choice will be overriden by second player’s choice.

Should I keep the system like this, or make a queue, so that all donated maps are valid and are played one after another?

To be honest, the first reason I want to keep the system like it is, is laziness, because even tho I can script a queue, it will be hard and tedious.

The second reason is I can much more easily make this system fun. Like when second player overrides first player’s choice, there can pop up a GUI for everyone saying that second player beat first because he’s richer, or something like that.

The third reason, which is very much debatable, is that system like this will bring more money, because player’s might get into evil competitions with each other, overriding one another’s choices.
But I think that it also might be frustrating, that you spend 10 robux for nothing, and the player might leave dislike and quit the game.

So before going any further I wanted to ask your opinions on this.

(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)


I’d say either:

  • Make it queued, so players won’t feel cheated when their map never gets picked. If you’re going to do this, make sure to tell the player that their map is queued, if another player already chose a map.

  • Or make a voting system for rounds, where players can vote for one out of 3 maps, and plays can buy a developer product to make their vote count as 3 votes. This way, you can still make it a competition.


Yeah I think I’m gonna do that, it will be much easier to script

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Nice idea, but a voting system won’t fit with the overall game design. But I’ll think if I can modify your idea somehow to make it fit. Thanks :slight_smile:

Tbh, if my choice was overriden, I would dislike the game, I just wasted 10 robux
So yeah, that would make me rage

But I am not likely to spend money so it doesnt matter for me

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Maybe you could just put a debounce value into the dev product script.

local debounce = false

-- function
   if not debounce then
         debounce = true

         -- code

--[[ and when the round ends, it would check if it isn't false,
 and then it would set back to false.]]

I don’t think it’d be good if the player’s chosen map would be overridden by another one. People with robux basically can have everything these days, and if you only have a small amount of robux, you don’t want it to just be wasted.