Choose your Character GUI

For cooldown that would work as it is already. But for others it wouldn’t make sense. And I get what you are saying, people will get confused, so maybe @LoveTheBears101 should add a help section or something of the like that explains the more the better, but for cooldown the less the better.

To make the Earth Power better you should add like a special ground pound effect.

I changed the font:

It still looks off, and the placement should be a bit better. Let me show an example using MS paint.

Make the cooldown have 3 blank squares on lightning 2 on lazers, 2 on earth, and 1 on electricity. This may look unbalanced, but cooldown is actually inverted. also, put choose your superpower in a long box above the others if you can.


@LoveTheBears101 I think you should find a new power to replace either Lightning or electric. They are very similar in my opinion.

What do you think would be a good replacement power? The reason they are similar was because I was running out of ideas :sad:

Physic maybe? The ability of controlling players ,and control certain objects in the environment?

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Switched around the Cooldown squares:

Would letting players control other players be breaking Roblox ToS? Because they can impersonate them.

No not fully control them. That would be breaking TOS but I mean like ability to push or use objects to destroy them or such. Not fully control.

Effects for the title: (Also move it up a bit above the power boxes)

Very very crude, just whipped it up for an example. The word choose has electricity effects coming out of it, the word your has lasers, etc. etc. And I think @CoolGuyBoiBruh means telekinesis as a power, but I don’ know if that would be elemental.

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and the only way you could impersonate is using a cloak ability. To take someone character and be like them.

oooh I see what you mean. I’ll replace electricity with that.

Wow, that is actually a cool idea. And yes I meant telekinesis.

This might assist you. I also have an idea of Time powers, so you have control over time, but not so much that it would overpower all the other ones.

Also it does seem you got a lot of feedback on your post. I hope you succeed! (msg me the game maybe when its finished? I wanna try it out.

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Ooh maybe a way to slow time on others screen to increase your speed? Very interesting…

Kinda like The Flash series where Barry Allen using a time remnant to slow down time, making him faster.

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Ok, I replaced electricity with telekinesis:

(I changed the color because I thought the blue didn’t match)

Well done. This is very well done. All the powers are perfect and I wonder how you will use them for your game… :thinking: