Is there a mathematical formula for choosing random positions within the shaded area? I thought about just ignoring all the chosen locations inside the white area but it’s quite large and my current formula based on a circle would choose the white circle 60% of the time.
Assuming this is in a 3D space, you could make a function that looks something like this:
local min_distance , max_distance = 5,10
local origin =,0,0)
function is_within_ring(position)
local distance = (origin - position).Magnitude
return distance > min_distance and distance < max_distance.
This would get you something like result shown on the image, however, since this takes height into account this’d be closer to a sphere and not a cylinder, if you wanted it to be a cylinder, you would just have to make the y component in the distance calculation 0, like this:
function is_within_ring(position)
local distance = (origin - position *,0,1).Magnitude
return distance > min_distance and distance < max_distance.
You’d choose a first random number between 0 and 2*pi as a random angle in radians which are passed to sine and cosine to generate a unit vector with a random direction, and then a random number as distance between your minimum and maximum radii
Something like this should work for generating a random point in a ring around the origin, you can then offset the last position so the ring is centred around an arbitrary point:
local random =
local function randomPointInRing(minRadius, maxRadius)
local angle = random:NextNumber(0, 2 * math.pi) -- 0-360 degrees
local cos = math.cos(angle) -- x component of a supposed unit vector
local sin = math.sin(angle) -- y component of a supposed unit vector
local radius = random:NextNumber(minRadius, maxRadius)
local x = radius * cos -- unit * random radius
local y = radius * sin -- unit * random radius
return, y) -- or, 0, y)
So what you’re saying is I get a random point inside the outer circle and eliminate any point chosen outside the min and max values. Kind of sounds like what I’m already thinking. The issue is that if a point is chosen in the shaded area then I’m good but if I choose a point inside the white circle the function tries again, and again, and again until a new point in the shaded area is chosen. This means the function could run hundreds of iterations before it finds a true statement (correct location).
True, the other solution is better since it always provides a correct result.
Oh ty, this looks good. I will test it when I can and set solution when it works.
I played around with the numbers and while it makes no sense (size/2.75 – to get the radius of a circular part) to me it seems to work fine so I’m happy enough.
The radius of a circular part would be 0.5 * the part’s width (or the width / 2)
Yeah, that was not the case inside a curved bowl. Like I said I played with the numbers and got some interesting results not to mention each ring had different numbers to make it work.
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