Choppy Cylinder Union

I am attempting to create a wall outlet by unzoning two cylinders out of it for holes

My issue (as shown in the media above) is how the unions appear, with them appearing carved by hand and jagged.

Other than that, not really sure where to go.

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Try changing the RenderFidelity to precise.

Same result


How did you create the cylinders? If the cylinder is created with subdivision surface, it will cause that look. Try another cylinders or check your render settings.

I dont think thats the issue (as far as I know) you cant union meshes so the cylinders are probably a standard roblox part.

On the other hand,

I was able to do it…

and even when I lowered my studio quality it still looked the same…

for a brief second, the negated part turned jagged. your mouse went off-screen so I don’t know what was going on but that might be your problem

have you tried making the union scaled up and then scaling it back down?

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he meant setting the RenderFidelity of the union to precise and of not the negative parts


Fixxed, thank you for the clarification.

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