Christmas Presents Tycoon [GAME FEEDBACK]

Hi everyone! I have made a game about producing presents for Christmas, and it being a tycoon, I wanted to show it to others and ask for feedback on the game; and what should be changed or added. Thank you!

Game Link:


No introduction needed. Keeping it simple.


I joined into the game, and was immediately met with a very bright colors of snow. The map overall looks pretty lifeless by the way the models of those houses are copied and pasted everywhere. They give the impression of free models to me.

Maybe a custom skybox with a lot more shader work like sun-rays will make it feel more lively. Perhaps even a miniscule snow-effect to make it feel more Christmas-like.
The smaller snow-covered trees have two models for LOD. The low-poly models have Z-Fighting issues.


When I started, I was fighting with the BillBoardGUI of the buttons, as it requires an awkward angle to show on your screen. I’m assuming the AlwaysOnTop property is set to false.

The conveyors are already visible from the start. In some scenarios that would be some way to keep the player interested in what droppers you can place along it, but in this case, they are all the exact same rectangular conveyor. And to make matters worse, all the droppers are the same across all the conveyors.

This makes it very unmotivating to keep going, since you can already predict what the next dropper is going to look like, which is part of the reason I can play tycoon games for longer. Just my curiosity telling me “Just check how the next one looks like” after every single dropper. Collecting money also does not make any noise. When I collected money for the first time, I thought it was broken until I checked the leaderboard. The game overall needs more sounds, animations and character.

I then checked out how the decorative part of the tycoon looked, and I was surprised to see that one of the wall parts was accidentally left mirrored in the game, leaving a one stud gap between the floor and the wall.

Also, I was able to time a dropper to drop a gift exactly whenever a different dropper’s gift was under, resulting in this - the gift bouncing off of the other and falling off of the conveyor;


The UI was inconsistent and looked rushed overall. The text was reaching outside of its frame, text was not scaled correctly and the UI buttons all touched the edge of my screen, which felt wrong. I personally would prefer a little bit of wiggle room between the edge of the screen and the interactable buttons.

And last but not least, the shop UI looks messy. All the shop icons look the same and none of the pictures have borders.

This is the only UI that has an icy theme, making it look out of place.
The UI appears to increase size from the top left corner, probably because the anchor point is set to 0, 0. If that is the case, setting the AnchorPoint to 0.5, 0.5 and set the UDim2 position scale value on 0.5 on both the X and Y indexes, which should result in the screen increasing size from the center.

That’s all I can really say. My playtime was not great, I assume somewhere around 10 minutes which were used taking screenshots and screenrecordings. It would probably be shorter if it wasn’t for that. Sorry that this seemed mostly negative, but to me the game does not feel finished yet, probably even in Pre-Beta or Alpha stages.