Chrythm's RPG Kit (Free)

Is there a limit to how many enemy’s you can have in easy zone, because the enemies won’t attack me.

Enemies only chase players who are in the same area as them. Make sure that your enemies are in the same folders as the area they are supposed to be in. Also make sure that the player cannot access other areas without using a portal to teleport them, since the portals are what update which area you are counted in.

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This is what it looks like. Screenshot (75)

I found the issue again! I changed the name of the area!

Edit 1: Nevermind! It worked this one time and it stopped working after.

There was actually a bug that was just found yesterday. In the EnemyFunctions module, I updated the function “FindClosestPlayer” to this:

function module.FindClosestPlayer(enemy, useChaseRange) -- Returns closest player in the AttackRange or nil if none are found
    local range = enemy.Stats.AttackRange.Value
    if useChaseRange then
        range = enemy.Stats.ChaseRange.Value
    local closest = nil
    for _,player in pairs(players:GetChildren()) do
        if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and enemy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and player.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
            if not closest or (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude < (closest.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude then
                if (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude < range then
                    closest = player
    return closest

Amazing RPG kit, I love that you decided to continue your legacy by helping other in trying to revive the RPG genre. Good work!

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I’ve been using this kit for a little while - wanted to know is there any way to add custom armor using parts? Seems it can only use catalog bundles. I could be missing something i’m not sure though.

Wow! Thank you so much for making new developers (I cant find the apostrophe sign???) life so much easier when making an RPG.

You would have to do some welding stuff. I don’t recommend this unless you are making your own body parts as well, since it will look janky with different body shapes. For example, blocky armor won’t look good on non-blocky avatars.

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I never thought of that, thank you for reminding me!
Does the v2 kit have a system in it to create armor using parts though? I should be able to create a custom character so shouldn’t need to worry about non-blocky avatars.

No I never added anything like that since the current system uses HumanoidDescriptions

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i’m having a little problem with the armor system
before the problem happened, I made some changes to the EquipFunctions script, but before I touched it, the problem still occurred.
well, my game it’s used StarterCharacter and I’m creating armor with a shirt and pants, instead of the game’s pattern which is body parts, however when I’m going to test the armor, this problem occurs

explaining better, the doll that appears after equipping the armor is my normal Roblox avatar, and I didn’t want that to happen, the StarterCharacter is replaced by my Roblox doll and I don’t know how to solve it, can you help me ?!

If the body parts in the HumanoidDescription are set to zero, then the body parts will revert to blocky parts.

so should i avoid setting it to 0?

Either choose a body type or take the body parts from the player’s HumanoidDescription using game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userid goes here)

Hi Chrythm! I have a few questions for you,

  1. I have managed to transfer Stat and Armor saving from your datastore to Datastore2. But I cannot manage to do it with the player items and quests, since they are not determined off a value and is mostly dependant on what the player chooses or obtains. How can I go ahead and save these?

  2. Where is the code for all the tweening of the GUIs? or are they just in the local script under the GUI

Hello. I like how you release a whole RPG kit for the players.

You will now give them a chance to learn from your own source, and that’s really nice of you.

It’s well made and you really used time on it.

Thank you for the awesome work you contribute for people.

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First of all, I’m thankful for this kit as I’ve never had the energy nor motivation nor knowledge to make a full RPG system myself.

Secondly, I’m having a blast modifying it and making new content with this system.

Sadly, I have one issue - or - rather two.
First being adding an inventory, but for that I got a friend working on it so no problem for me.
Second issue is the UI, I’ve made an UI (rather simplistic) like Path Of Exile’s, players can hold only 3 items in there + all menu icons up to there, it’s fine, but for Health and Mana…

Health is properly working, or at least, as it should be with your default UI health, mine doesn’t go down but rather go to the left overtime as the player takes damage, still haven’t figured out how I could fix this.

Mana… well, I don’t really know how to make use of your system which count only mana in numbers to transfer it into a mana pool slowly going down as they deplete it… might copy the health system and modify it for mana tho

Some help or pointers on getting the health to go down rather than moving to the left would be much appreciated as even while trying to look for it thro the ‘Find result’ feature in studio, I can’t find anything 'bout it

I got the place from the YouTube video. I inserted all the animations. I enabled API access and all of that. I published the game as well. There is an error I tired looking for a way to fix it up it does not work. How can one fix this?

Line 36, the line you are having a problem with, is just an ‘end’ statement on my side. My best guess would have to be the line that says:


If this is the problem, then make sure that the IdleAnimation value is set on the enemy. I’m not sure how this could become nil if you just installed the kit though.