Chunk / map generator?

EDIT: Published too early. Still editing.

I’m attempting to create a chunk generator for a game in progress - This chunk generator will work by loading the game in stages depending where the Player is.

Below is a brief diagram of examples; the coloured markers indicate where the Player will exit / enter depending on their point of transfer.

The system will be teleport based and load the chunks individually for the Players client.

So far, I have the know-how of how to create a basic chunk generator that loads the desired Chunk for the Player however I cannot figure out how to move the Player to the correct point of entrance / exit.

these points could be `parts’ with directions as their name, then you could just teleport players to these ‘parts’, when they enter/leave certain chunks.

Example 1

1). player enters a "northern entrance"
2). this will teleport the player to the "southern entrance" of the next chunk.
Example 2

1). player enters a "western entrance"
2). this will teleport the player to the "eastern entrance" of the next chunk.

this will take away any unreasonable math that you don’t need (considering that you only have 4 entrances per chunk), and you can use touched events to handle your generation of the next chunk & player teleportation