Circle Radial Fill

I came up with a simple module to manage radial fill (idk what to call it) with circular items. I utilized the same formula Roblox does with it’s proximity prompts and it came out very good (with few minor issues)

Circle - Creator Marketplace (

Here is a simple on guide on how to use it

local Circle = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Circle"))
local circle =

circle:fill(1) -- the fill is from 0-1, this makes the whole label visible

circle:fill(0.5) -- only makes half visible

circle:fill(0.5,tweenInfo) -- tweens it towards the destination

circle:setRotation("Clockwise") -- to make it rotate, Clockwise OR CounterClockwise
circle:setHeight("Bottom") -- where it starts from Top OR bottom

circle.percentage -- current fill %

Does not support anything beside ImageLabel/TextLabel currently

Known Issues

Tween does not backtrack

-- this does not tween all the way back ( might add later on )

There is a small line in the middle due to gradient issues

just thought id share since i made it today since i couldn’t find anything myself


Great resource, will use it in every project!!! :smiley:

you should put some epik videos so we can see this resource in action :money_mouth_face:

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