New module: Advanced Color Picker - Free resource with RGB, HSV, Hex, Opacity - Three picker shapes
A simple, modern and customizable circular color picker, with hexadecimal and HSV support.
This module is a complete rewrite of a previous module, now with less bloat and cleaner code.
You are free to use and modify this module for your needs, credit is appreciated.
11/27/24: Roblox changed the topbar height which means if you have an outdated version it may be inaccurate. Either download the new version or go to line 317 and change ‘36’ to ‘58.’
v1.1 - Added size parameter and fixed SurfaceGui bugs
v1.2 - Added DockWidgetPluginGui support
Old post: [OLD] Circular Color Picker (v1.2)
Demo: color_picker_demo.rbxl (80.6 KB) Don’t download module from here
local Color = require(...)
-- Create new Color object
-- Second parameter is a list of parameters, not required
local ColorPicker = Color.New(gui : ScreenGui, {
Position : UDim2,
RoundedCorners : boolean,
Draggable : boolean,
ZIndex : number,
Size : number,
Primary = {Color : Color3, Transparency : number},
Secondary = {Color : Color3, Transparency : number},
Topbar = {Color : Color3, Transparency : number},
Text = {Color : Color3, Transparency : number}
} : table)
-- Change color
ColorPicker:SetColor(, 0, 1))
-- Events (Finished, Updated, and Canceled)
ColorPicker.Finished:Connect(function(color : Color3)
-- Fired when player clicks the confirm button
ColorPicker.Updated:Connect(function(color : Color3)
-- Fired every time the color changes
-- Fired when the player clicks the cancel button
-- Destroy if needed