Hi guys!
I had a question regarding some CFrame math (CFraming is not my best strong suit)
Basically, I created a nice lil flight system, My velocity and such is fine (Acceleration & Deceleration) but im having an issue with calculating the BodyGyro’s cframe to allow for omni directional 360 degree flight. Whenever I look straight up or straight down, Roblox’s camera limits hinder my direction of flight. Any way around this?
don’t mind TiltFactor
and RollOffset
those are just aesthetic rotations.
local Origin = CFrame.new(self.HRP.CFrame.Position, self.HRP.CFrame.Position + ScreenRay.Direction)
self.Gyro.CFrame = Origin * TiltFactor * RollOffset
Camera.CFrame = self.HRP.CFrame * CFrame.new(3, 0, 15) * CFrame.new(self.Humanoid.CameraOffset)
Here’s the example of the upper and lower camera limit hindering
I really only want to evade the upper camera limit, the lower limit is acceptable. Any help would be greatly appreciated