Citrus R6 V.1.2.0 | R6 rigs without humanoids

Citrus R6

“I hate humanoids, they are buggy, unperforming and buggy” - @Fraiixen

What is Citrus R6?

Citrus R6 is an R6 rig that does not require a humanoid, it can still load all your classic clothing without any effort and accessories.

This rig was designed to be used with chickynoid as it is a custom character controller that does not need humanoids, it only used them to load characters, this rig can come in handy for cases like those.


What Can I use this for?

If you don’t have a custom character controller, I believe this rig still has some cool tricks that you can use it for, you can probably load clothes into clothing stands for your shops with it, without the need of humanoids that waste performance.

Here are some cooler tricks:

Changing materials of body parts without breaking them!

Woah so shiny!

Creating first person shadows

Just set your parts to have a transparency of -math.huge and set the material to forcefield, voila! now you have a character that is invisible but still renders shadows!

Mess arround with the files

Screenshot 2024-11-23 113406

Woah finally gibs that split in half without making you clotheless!

How to use

Just download the rbxm provided at the bottom and construct a new rig using

You can load in your avatar by calling

Rig:LoadUserId(userId : number)

I advise you read the module as it has some functions for loading shirts, pants, t shirts, accesories and humanoid descriptions.

It is recommended you run this on client as I haven’t tested it on server, also make sure to add the “NoTexture” material variant to material service to have smooth texures on your rigs.

Be aware that since clothes are rendered on a separate layer on top of the body parts/limbs and it uses special meshes to render clothes having transparent parts, this rig can be a bit more expensive to render, although considering its just 5 and realistically you are not gonna have 100 players inside your camera’s frustrum, then it should be fine.



@TransgenderLegend for creating the original blender files that i used for this project, I didn’t even know this was possible until I saw his post, go like his post!
Blocky R15/R6 models UV mapped to classic clothing templates - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

What did you think?

  • I will be using this!
  • I like this.
  • I do not like this.
  • I hate humanoids too!

0 voters


R6Rig V1.2.0.rbxm (73.8 KB)

Old Versions
R6Rig V1.1.0.rbxm (73.8 KB)
R6Rig.rbxm (63.3 KB)


I like this but I won’t be using it. And I don’t get the point of this much.

Saying this because no such option exists.


It was designed to be used for custom character controllers such as chickynoid, where humanoids are not needed at all, Humanoids are horrible and perform terribly, not to mention their poopy bandwith usage.

And lets not talk about humanoids flinging randomly…

Yeah at the end of the day it is a very niche thing.


Hmmm… good enough for me. Might use it. Or maybe not. Depends.

Still a good resource!

1 Like

is this worth using for any random roblox game, i dont need to change any material n stuff. or actually the shadow in first perosn seems nice. but how much better is performance and will this affect my code already


tds game devs be crying in happiness if they find this


It is worth it if you do not need humanoids at all, that’s it.

1 Like

No way TDS uses humanoids for rendering all their towers, Bruh no wonder their game runs so bad LOL.


They don’t use humanoids, I was just talking about people who made tds type games


either way, i will be using this eventually.


I was playing this game called Dzielnica by @Rufus14 , and I noticed the game has a thing where you can split people in half with an axe, but it looks kinda bad because it uses a rendering trick with glass to hide the other half of the torso.

So I had this brilliant idea.

if you split the meshes in blender, you can create this half rig that recreates the effect perfectly. I will post this rig in the future if anyone wants it.


Option 5: I like this, but will not be using it


option 6, did not asked + ratio.

Just kidding, I’m joking. Glad you still found it interesting.


very cool, first person shadows is really cool


Update V1.1.0

  • Rig now includes the default R6 animations.
  • Added some extra files like a split torso.

Screenshot 2024-11-23 113406

I was originally going to add more split meshes, but I think that doesn’t belong to this project, I will probably release some gibs as a separate project.


Is it worth switching to this resource if I am using Chickynoid?

How much of a difference would it make?

I specifically would like a way to add materials to rigs that wear clothing, but is this possible without forgoing Humanoids entirely?


Theres no way to add materials using humanoids, it turns your character into blocks with studs for some reason (Roblox is stupid).

Also, I don’t know if it’s worth it, that should be a decision you make.


This seems cool. Also does this have a death feature?

1 Like

It is just a rig, Code for it to work in your game is up to you.

It’s mainly made for people who don’t want to use Roblox’s default systems and want to build their own (character controller, health, clothing, etc.). It was originally meant to be used for Chickynoid, but you can use it for anything.


i don’t have any specific use case for this in mind but i’ve experienced the difficulties humanoid objects can give so nice work!!!