City-based Realistic Cafe

Hey. I’m a Developer/Builder on the ROBLOX platform, I’m constantly innovating within my projects to blow away the ROBLOX community. Day by day, I’m growing as a developer, and I need your help and feedback to bring my projects to their fullest potentials.

Here is an upcoming project I’ve been working on for a while:

What do you think could be improved? The color combination? The floor? Extra details?

Let me know, thanks for reading!


It looks really good! But it would be even better if you added more colours into it! Overall, it’s really impressive! :+1:


That is an amazing build, but to make this eye-catching, you should use more textures or more colour, but that is still a great build.


This is a great build! I love the modern, realistic build style along with the lighting you added. Both go really well together, great job!

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