City I’m making update

Hello I’m making this city based on a real life one , I’d like feedback on it and opinions, thank you! God bless you!


Wow! This city is so nice! I recommend that you add some decorations to the roads. Other than that, it looks great! God bless you.

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Completely agree, it looks incredible and more detail on the roads can be added, stay blessed.

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Like what @madagascar7777 said, you should add more detail to the roads by adding those yellow lines, signs, and maybe even cars. You should also try making better lighting after you’re done with this.

It looks great, you’re not even done and I can already tell what city that is. However, I’m not sure what properties you’ve used for the glass buildings, but you might want to play around with the reflection property or changing up the material a bit because I think they should be a bit shinier.

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