City map for my game

im a builder begginer (im a scripter and i jsut started like yesterday practicing building) this is my first big map can you guys rate it and also i would love some tips

Note the palms arent made by me but everything else is made by me and also i inspired some buildings from other people


This map is pretty good!
I see some repeated buildings which you can change its size, like make some buildings taller so they’re not the same and not repetitive, but if you’re ok with your map, it’s ok, since it’s still good!

Looks pretty nice!
Although you can add variety to your buildings, materials, add more terrain forms (hills, etc.), curved roads and some bridges, etc.

For your first big map, well done! :slight_smile:


Thanks! Ill use your tip for the map

Thanks for the tips! Ill use those

Great job for your first attempt! You’ve got a solid foundation, and with a few adjustments, it could feel more polished and dynamic.

Here are a couple of ideas to help elevate your work:

  • Consider adding footpaths: Right now, the roads are the primary feature, but including footpaths will make the space feel more accessible and realistic. Connecting the buildings with entrances or pathways would also enhance this.

  • Refine the road details: To improve realism, you might want to replace the solid road lines with dashed ones using a textured pattern. This will add more depth and align with real-world designs.

  • Experiment with building variety: The buildings are currently uniform in height and appearance. Varying the heights will make the scene feel more dynamic. You could start with taller buildings in the center and gradually reduce their height as you move outward. This can give the area a “downtown” vibe.

  • Incorporate textures: Adding textures can make a big difference in how everything comes together visually. It can add depth and detail, making the scene more engaging and lifelike.

You’re off to a great start, and these tweaks will bring your project to the next level.

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thanks for those tips! ill use them in my new maps and i will try to improve