EDIT FROM 31/10/2019: I forgot to save the game, so I have to work it all over. Sorry!
Hello! I’ve actually stopped working on my previous project, City Project, because it doesn’t work anymore… That’s why I’m making City Project 2! It’s not really done yet, though…
Original Post: City Project | Suggestions needed!
In my opinion, it hardly looks natural. I suggest having each tree being a different size and form. It is much or organised with the trunks in line and the leaves in the same form of pattern.
I suggest having branches sprout out in all directions. Instead of a tiny amount of leaves and unconceivable branches at the top. Maybe have the branches hang over the path itself (the path looks really nice) for a better effect.
Have the trunk steadily increase in width as it draws near the bottom.
I find the trees to be a bit repetitive. Instead of placing them in a pattern, maybe try placing them by hand, (or place them by hand in a segment then copy that over.)
Also, if you’re making this a large focus on the trees, maybe add more detail to them.
Adding a bit of depth to the map also can help make it look more detailed. (Maybe make the grass a bit lower than the path?)
I quickly recreated what you’re trying to make but with what a bigger variation in angles and positions with different trees, to show what this can do to the visuals of your game.
I notice that the trees are quite cramp, as well as being repetitive and a defined pattern is seen when looking at those trees. I recommend you attempt to try to space out the trees more, as well as try to make the tree’s locations more random. I don’t have very much experience building trees, but those are things that I try to do with any decoration.
However, great job on the fence! Your skills looks fairly promising, especially with the noticeable improvement from the original picture.