I have not posted on here in a while. I sort of forgot…
Although I’m going to now catch you up on everything I’ve done, and maybe give you some code to learn from!
First off, I have created separate zones around the game that are over different places that a player may own. This enables me to not let them open the build menu when their 50 miles away from their plot! To accomplish this I found this very helpful module by @ForeverHD, the creator of many helpful open source projects. To accomplish this I simply used this snippet:
local Zone = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.ZoneModule)
local zone = Zone.new(workspace.Tycoons.bostnmTycoon.CarDealership.Zone)
player.Values.PlayerBuildingLocation.Value = "CarDealership"
player.Values.PlayerBuildingLocation.Value = "House"
This of course is just a test I used, as its not near efficient!
After I changed the value I had the building system check their value before enabling building!
While there is not much to say here I might as well just state that I have been squashing many bugs throughout this time period! For example I fixed a detrimental bug that doesn’t load any previews for models about to be built. I’m not going to say anymore because the rest are just behind the scenes!
@Beatitkid4 and @goalmwo, I’ve decided not to add any cars driving on roads. I thought it over for a while and decided that it is a little too much. While I might change my mind when the finished project comes, right now I’m not planning on adding any cars to the road. Besides player cars of course 
Now for the car update 
In the 30+ days of no replies I’ve been working on hard on the entire car system. I’ve also made a huge change to the way to get cars. Previously there was a dealership in a place called central city, where everyone can access it. Well, although this could work, I wondered about making cars another thing to unlock. By this I mean it would be another place you can customize, but instead of making you any money it instead provides you a way to purchase cars! I thought this idea was amazing, but if you think not please let me know.(Give a good reason!) After making it like that I no longer had to decorate it, which checked that off my list! I then came to the car purchase system, which has some pretty big bugs but is overall working nicely. The bugs will get solved once I get around to bug fixes again. Now that I’ve told you about it its time to show! Below is a picture since I cannot get a video right now!
I’ll go ahead and break it down right here!
Confirm Button
- Center Bottom
- Clicking this gives you a value in your car inventory that will later be used to spawn cars.
Stats Menu
- Left Middle
- This menu displays all the car stats, while changing every time you change cars.
Main Display
- Center Top
- Displays name and price, with arrows to switch cars
Color Picker
- Right Middle
- Allows you to change the color of your car to your liking.
After doing that I went and made a little function to get the rating of a selected place. Below is the code I used for it!
function module.getRating(tycoon)
local function getCleanliness(count)
local cleanRating = 5
for i=count, -1, 0 do
if cleanRating - 0.25 >= 0 then
cleanRating -= 0.25
return cleanRating
local function getDecor(items)
local objects = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Dictionaries.Objects)
local decorRating = 0
for i, item in pairs(items) do
if objects[item.Name] then
local itemStats = objects[item.Name]
if itemStats.Class == "Decor" then
if decorRating + 0.25 <= 5 then
decorRating += 0.25
local function getPopularity(people)
local popRating = 0
for i, person in pairs(people) do
if person.Values.Rarity then
local increment = person.Values.Rarity.Value / 4
if popRating + increment <= 5 then
popRating += increment
popRating = 5
local function getService()
local function getQuality()
local cleanliness = getCleanliness(tycoon.Garbage.GarbageCount)
local decoration = getDecor(tycoon.PlacedItems:GetChildren())
local popularity = getPopularity(tycoon.NPCs:GetChildren())
local service = getService()
local quality = getQuality()
local rating = (cleanliness+decoration+popularity+service+quality) / 5
return rating
At the time of writing I have not found a way to get a value for the last two yet, but I’m getting there!
You may not copy and paste this code for your own game, instead I showed it to you for you to understand it better and learn from it if you need to.
Last but not least, a simple code system! I used a previous system I made and edited it to fit the game, although the UI is completely new! Not much to say about this as its just the generic code system. I can still give you a picture though!

Wrapping all this up, I must ask for feedback. This can be on literally anything covered in here! From simply an idea to an entire rework, I’m willing to consider all. After all, I want this game to be enjoyed by everyone, and not just be to my liking. A major thing that I think might need feedback is the UI on these systems, if you have any feedback on those please, please, please tell me! Have a great day!