Civil War Content - Rules?

– Removed, I received my answer and this is no longer relevant –


I’d say yes, just make sure to avoid political references and those flags, imagine a young child playing your game and evaluate if the content is presentable to them.

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Okay, however I am looking to include the CSA flag for the score leaderboard:

I also would like to be including regimental flags


You can post those flags and other images on an alt and see if it gets moderated to test if they are appropriate

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Well, a small CSA flag was included in a texture I uploaded (again did not know it was there) and I was banned… (refer to original beginning of post)
It was really quick though, so it was obv. an automatic ban.

I believe the Confederate flag was banned from being on Roblox long ago because of controversies. Your best bet is to leave that out of the game as the context may be abused or too risky.


Alright, I’d really like a reference to that if anyone could get me a link.
No point in arguing with it, but that ban sounds like BS

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Confederate flags are not permitted (Section 1, Rule 5) as it’s considered hate speech. You can find it here, as well as (but not limited to) other non-permissible content:

Aghh damn!
Ridiculous, but oh well.


Yea dont think you’ll be able to appeal the 3 day ban but it’s only 3 days.

Dont forget to mark the post that answered your question as the solution.

Apologies, marked it.
That’s so silly though, I can see the texture being deleted, but 3 days? really.