Clan Labs Information | Updated

Clan Labs

Clan Labs is a service used by many for automated management for their clans. It can be used for automated promotions/demotions and in-game automation. Clan Labs is currently used by over 1,000 Clans on a daily basis. The lowest cost is $5 per month.

Table Of Contents:

Click on each of the categories to view information specifically for that category/command.

To find out more information about the service as a whole, simply visit the Clan Labs website. Here

Additionally, you can join the official Clan Labs Discord and ask for assistance there. The discord invite can be found on the Clan Labs website above.


Setting Up

Setup a Clan Labs subscription for your group.

Setting up Clan Labs at first can seem very difficult. I can assure you that if you follow this guide, it will be no problem what so ever.

First things first, you are going to want to head over to your group page on Roblox. Once you have done that, take a look at the link.

Example link:

The group ID is the numbers part. For this example group, it is 4099453. Grab your group ID and keep it somewhere safe, you will be needing this shortly.

Now, grab your Serial Code that you purchased from our store.

Now that you have the basics, you are going to want to run the setup command. - What the setup command does is binds your group to the Discord and redeems your serial code for you. It will also then retrieve any rank data that it needs.

Run the following commands to setup, make sure to replace your information (Group ID and serial code) in the required places.

c!setup [Serial Key] [Group ID] .

For divisions:

c!setup [Division Serial Key] [Main Group ID] [Serial Code] .

Once you have run the command, simply run c!rank update . - This will gather all of the groups rank data. You will need this for all of the next steps.

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Set a custom prefix for your Discord server.

The Prefix command is relatively simple however a surprisingly large amount of users struggle with this. Firstly, I will explain what the prefix is.

The default Prefix for clan labs is c! . This means that any commands run will have to start with c! . An example of this would be: c!promote username .

To change your prefix to one of your choice, simply run the command c!setPrefix [Your choice here] Example: c!setPrefix ! .

If you are ever unsure of the Prefix for your Discord, you can mention the Discord bot.

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Verify or reverify your roblox account.

What verifying does is, it links your Roblox account to your Discord account. This is so that if you get promoted within the Roblox group, your Discord will then be updated to any of the roles binded to that Roblox rank.

To verify your Roblox account, simply type c!verify [Your Roblox Username] .

If you wish to switch which account is verified to your Discord account, simply type c!reverify [Your Roblox Username].

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Ranks and Settings

The rank command is by far one of Clan Labs most important commands. It allows for the maximum amount of group configuration possible. This ranges from setting the rank xp to setting up badge, gamepass, and t-shirt based promotions.

All commands listed below must start with c!rank .


If you wish to bind discord roles to each individual rank, then this is the section for you.

Things you need for this section: Rank IDs.

To get your rank ID’s, simply run c!rank .

Rank Command Preview

Look under the rank name that you wish to bind a role to. You will see “ID”. Get the number next to that. For example if I wanted to bind a role to “Test Rank” then I would get the ID “1”.

You then need to ensure that you have a discord role created for the rank. For this example I am going to have a role named “@Test”.

Now that you have the two things needed for this command, we can begin looking at how to run it.

ID = 2 Role = @Test.

The command for this would be: c!rank role 2 add/remove @Test.

Experience & Gamepass/badge/t-shirt

The experience command allows you to set the amount of experience required for each rank. Bear in mind that if you have a badge/gamepass/t-shirt linked to that rank, it will require both the badge and the experience. (Only if you have it set so you need XP & badge/gamepass/t-shirt.)

The syntax for these commands would be:
c!rank xp [ID] [AMOUNTOFXP].
c!rank gamepass [RankId] [GamepassID/none].
c!rank badge [RankID] [BadgeID/none].
c!rank tshirt [RankID] [T-shirtID/none].

For example. If I wanted to set the xp for the “Test Rank” to 15, I would do: c!rank xp 1 15.

If you wish to disable the xp part of a rank, you can do so by setting it to 0. Example: c!rank xp 1 0.


Prefixes are what will appear before a users name. For example if I had the member roles prefix set as “[M]”. Their username would then appear as “[M] username".

To set a prefix, you would do: c!rank prefix [ID] [PREFIXHERE].

An example of me setting the members roles prefix to “[M]” would be: c!rank prefix 1 [M].


Locking a role means that the bot can still promote to that rank, but it can not automatically promote to that rank.

Unlocking a role means that the bot can both promote to the rank and automatically promote to that rank.

You can also lock/unlock multiple ranks at once, to do so, you would do: c!rank unlock [ID ID ID ID] . To lock multiple ranks, you would do: c!rank lock [ID ID ID] .

To lock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank lock [ID] .

To unlock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank unlock [ID] .

If you are doing automatic promotions by using a gamepass/t-shirt/badge only for that rank, keep the rank locked and the bot will bypass it. If you keep that rank unlocked, the bot will promote it based off xp.


You can update a users roles manually by doing c!update @user . This will update their roles, nicknames and add any group binded roles. (Default permission level required: HICOM)

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Locking a role means that the bot can still promote to that rank, but it can not automatically promote to that rank.

Unlocking a role means that the bot can both promote to the rank and automatically promote to that rank.

You can also lock/unlock multiple ranks at once, to do so, you would do: c!rank unlock [ID ID ID ID] . To lock multiple ranks, you would do: c!rank lock [ID ID ID].

To lock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank lock [ID].

To unlock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank unlock [ID].

If you are doing automatic promotions by using a gamepass/t-shirt/badge only for that rank, keep the rank locked and the bot will bypass it. If you keep that rank unlocked, the bot will promote it based off xp.

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Set Experience Command

Manage your group’s experience settings and set the limits of how much a user can add and remove experience or enable bonus experience.


Below lists all of the different options that you can customize with the setExperience command.

  • Set a custom experience name.
  • Change bonus amount given to those who have the group as their primary.
  • Change bonus amount given to those who boost your discord server.
  • Limit the amount of experience that Officers/Supervisors/HICOM can give to users.


Options and syntax of the command:

  • c!setExperience name [New Experience Name]
  • c!setExperience limit [Officer/Supervisor/HICOM] [Amount]
  • c!setExperience bonus [Primary/Boost] [Amount]

Examples of the commands being used:

  • c!setExperience name Points - Sets XP name to “Points”.
  • c!setExperience limit Officer 5 - Makes it so that Officers can only give up to 5 XPto each user.
  • c!setExperience bonus Primary 15 - Makes it so that anyone that currently has the group set as their primary gets 15 XP.


Aliases of the setExperience command:

  • c!setExp
  • c!setXP
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Promote, Demote, Setrank

Change the rank of a Roblox user in the group via Discord.

To put someone up one rank you would do the following: c!promote [Username here].

To put someones rank down one rank you would do the following: c!demote [Username here].

Setrank, is a little different. To do this you need to know the rank ID of the rank you are trying to set the user to. To find this you simply run the c!rank command. You then look for the “ID” part of the specific rank.

You then type the following: c!setrank [Username Here] [Rank ID Here].

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Blacklist Command

Allows you to prevent certain users/groups from progressing within your group.

To blacklist a user, you would use the following command: c!blacklist add [Username] [Reason Here].
To remove a blacklist for a user, you would do: c!blacklist remove [Username].

Groups work a little differently, to blacklist a group you would do the following:
c!blacklist add [Group ID] [Reason] .
However, removing is the same, you would just replace the “add” with “remove".

If your group is pend to join, the bot will prevent the users from joining the group altogether. However if your group is public, the bot will simply not allow them to be promoted. This is via xp and promote/demote commands.

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Pending Join

Allows private groups to accept/reject users/groups into the group via a command. This is useful when trying to prevent Blacklisted users from joining your group.


To accept a user you would do: c!pendingJoin accept [Username Here].

To decline a user you would do: c!pendingJoin decline [Username Here].


To accept a Group you would do: c!pendingJoin accept [Group ID Here].

To deny a Group you would do: c!pendingJoin deny [Group ID Here].

Setting Requirements

With the PendingJoin command you can make it so that in order to be accepted a user can require certain things. The current options that we have available for it to require are the following:

  • A certain roblox account age.
  • Be in a certain roblox group.
  • Require a certain rank in a roblox group.

To require a certain account age, you would simply do: c!pendingJoin require age [Number Here].

To require a certain roblox group, you would do: c!pendingJoin require group [Group ID Here].

To require a certain Group Rank, you would do the following:
c!pendingJoin require group [Group ID Here] [Rank ID Here].

Check up to 100 requests

To check up to 100 requests at a time, you simply do: c!pendingJoin check all.
It will also run through the requirements per user to ensure they meet them.

How do you see if anyone is pending?

To do this, you would simply run the command c!pendingJoin on its own.


Aliases of the PendingJoin command:

  • c!pendJoin
  • c!pendingJoin
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Group Binds Command

Group Role Binds

The group binds command allows you to bind roles to groups.

It will give users the specified roles if they are in x group. This is not the same as binding discord roles to your main group that Clan Labs is setup in. For that, go to Ranks And Settings.

For example, you could bind an Allies role to an allied group and anyone who is in the allied group will get the role.


The syntax for the group binds command is as follows:

  • c!groupbinds add [GroupID] [Role Name]
  • c!groupbinds remove [GroupID] [Role Name]
  • c!groupbinds remove [GroupID]


  • c!groupbinds add 4099453 Clan Labs
  • c!groupbinds remove 4099453 Clan Labs
  • c!groupbinds remove 4099453
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Audit Logs

View all actions made via the Clan Labs bot, all logged to a channel. Viewable via the c!audit command.


The audit command will log XP changes to all of the users. If kyptorbx adds for example, 5 XP to TechSpectrum, it will log in the channel set “kyptorbx has added 5 XP to TechSpectrum".

How to use

To use this command you simply do c!audit channel [Channel Name].

An example of this command being used would be: c!audit channel logs . You can also tag the channel.


All commands listed below are different ways of running the audit command:


Aliases of the Audit command:

  • c!audits
  • c!audit
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The warn command is used to log “citations/warnings”. On a user.

Firstly, to view all of a servers warnings, you can run: c!warn . It will then provide a list of all of that particular servers warnings.

To view a particular users warnings, you would run c!profile [Username] - then react with the police_officer Emoji.

How to add/remove warnings

To add a warning to a user, you would simply run the command: c!warn add [Username] [Reason].

Removing a warning however is a little different. For this you would go and check the users warnings and you would see a warning ID. You get that and then run the command: c!warn remove [Warning ID].

c!warn kyptorbx being bad
c!warn remove 1

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Allow your Officer(s)/Supervisor(s)/HICOM to do a wide variety of things.

What is included in the permissions?

The following: (All default).

changeAudit: HICOM
progressBar: HICOM
redeemSerial: Owner
shout: Officer
blacklist: HICOM
warn: Officer
demoteMember: Officer
demoteOfficer: HICOM
awardMedal: Officer
changeMedal: HICOM
pendingJoin: Officer
changePendingJoin: HICOM
promoteMember: Officer
promoteOfficer: HICOM
setRankMember: Officer
setRankOfficer: HICOM
changeExperience: Officer
enableCommands: HICOM
changeGroupBinds: HICOM
changeRank: Owner
setExperience: Owner
setFun: Owner
setPrefix: Owner
changeWelcome: HICOM
changeVerify: Owner

You can change any of these using the command: c!perm [Permission Name] [Officer/Supervisor/HICOM/Owner] .

How do I let my Officer+ use XP commands?

To do this, it is quite simple. You would simply do one of the following:

c!perm Officer add @Role

c!perm Supervisor add @Role

c!perm HICOM add @Role

c!perm Owner add @User - Only users can be added to the Owner permission to prevent abuse.

To remove any of these you simply replace the “add” with “remove”.

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The Clan Labs API is how you can interact with a users rank, experience etc via a Roblox game.

Clan Labs as of right now offers multiple free assets that can be inserted into your game to interact with the Clan Labs API in a variety of ways. You can find them in our discord server in the free-assets channel.

How do I get my API credentials?

To get your API credentials, you simply run the following commands:
c!api enable - This enabled the API usage so that you can actually use them in your games.
c!api get - Have the Bot DM you your API credentials.

c!api generate - regenerates your old api key.
c!api get
c!api enable
c!api disable


Customer Reviews

On this page, some of the Customer reviews about Clan Labs will be shown. To request that one of your comments be placed here, DM me on Discord. (kyp#3836)


Leader of The Most Active Roleplay Group The Nighthawk Imperium “I highly recommend to anyone who as the opportunity, to use Clan Labs. The Nighthawk Imperium was built around an early version of what would become Clan Labs today.”


Vice Commander of 10 Year Superclan The First Encounter Assault Recon
“Clan Labs strives to provide the most qualified service for technological advances throughout the entirety of the Clan World. The organization’s purpose is to fulfill clans needs, and Clan Labs acts the best foundational support regarding finance, customer service, and inspiration, and they continue to surpass the expectations that no organization within the Clan World has ever achieved. Without a doubt, Clan Labs is, and still has been the Clan World’s best option on of delivering technological needs with the least of worries coming from financial issues, time request, and stress.”


Leader of 5 Year Superclan Immortal Robloxian Federation "IRF has used Clan Labs for nearly a year now with great success, running a group as large and varied as ours requires a lot of administration work and the amount of man hours saved pointlessly on ranking is invaluable.

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Set Experience Command

Manage your group’s experience settings and set the limits of how much a user can add and remove experience or enable bonus experience.


Below lists all of the different options that you can customize with the setExperience command.

  • Set a custom experience name.
  • Change bonus amount given to those who have the group as their primary.
  • Change bonus amount given to those who boost your discord server.
  • Limit the amount of experience that Officers/Supervisors/HICOM can give to users.


Options and syntax of the command:

  • c!setExperience name [New Experience Name]
  • c!setExperience limit [Officer/Supervisor/HICOM] [Amount]
  • c!setExperience bonus [Primary/Boost] [Amount]

Examples of the commands being used:

  • c!setExperience name Points - Sets XP name to “Points”.
  • c!setExperience limit Officer 5 - Makes it so that Officers can only give up to 5 XP to each user.
  • c!setExperience bonus Primary 15 - Makes it so that anyone that currently has the group set as their primary gets 15 XP.


Aliases of the setExperience command:

  • c!setExp
  • c!setXP