Ranks and Settings
The rank command is by far one of Clan Labs most important commands. It allows for the maximum amount of group configuration possible. This ranges from setting the rank xp to setting up badge, gamepass, and t-shirt based promotions.
All commands listed below must start with c!rank .
If you wish to bind discord roles to each individual rank, then this is the section for you.
Things you need for this section: Rank IDs.
To get your rank ID’s, simply run c!rank .
Rank Command Preview
Look under the rank name that you wish to bind a role to. You will see “ID”. Get the number next to that. For example if I wanted to bind a role to “Test Rank” then I would get the ID “1”.
You then need to ensure that you have a discord role created for the rank. For this example I am going to have a role named “@Test”.
Now that you have the two things needed for this command, we can begin looking at how to run it.
ID = 2 Role = @Test.
The command for this would be: c!rank role 2 add/remove @Test.
Experience & Gamepass/badge/t-shirt
The experience command allows you to set the amount of experience required for each rank. Bear in mind that if you have a badge/gamepass/t-shirt linked to that rank, it will require both the badge and the experience. (Only if you have it set so you need XP & badge/gamepass/t-shirt.)
The syntax for these commands would be:
c!rank xp [ID] [AMOUNTOFXP].
c!rank gamepass [RankId] [GamepassID/none].
c!rank badge [RankID] [BadgeID/none].
c!rank tshirt [RankID] [T-shirtID/none].
For example. If I wanted to set the xp for the “Test Rank” to 15, I would do: c!rank xp 1 15.
If you wish to disable the xp part of a rank, you can do so by setting it to 0. Example: c!rank xp 1 0.
Prefixes are what will appear before a users name. For example if I had the member roles prefix set as “[M]”. Their username would then appear as “[M] username".
To set a prefix, you would do: c!rank prefix [ID] [PREFIXHERE].
An example of me setting the members roles prefix to “[M]” would be: c!rank prefix 1 [M].
Locking a role means that the bot can still promote to that rank, but it can not automatically promote to that rank.
Unlocking a role means that the bot can both promote to the rank and automatically promote to that rank.
You can also lock/unlock multiple ranks at once, to do so, you would do: c!rank unlock [ID ID ID ID] . To lock multiple ranks, you would do: c!rank lock [ID ID ID] .
To lock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank lock [ID] .
To unlock a rank you would do the following command: c!rank unlock [ID] .
If you are doing automatic promotions by using a gamepass/t-shirt/badge only for that rank, keep the rank locked and the bot will bypass it. If you keep that rank unlocked, the bot will promote it based off xp.
You can update a users roles manually by doing c!update @user . This will update their roles, nicknames and add any group binded roles. (Default permission level required: HICOM)