Clanware Pending Hub

Roblox | Discord | Model |

About Clanware

Clanware is a Roblox community centered around the sword fighting aspect of the game. It offers a range of services designed to improve and protect the sword fighting genre, including a verified discord bot with over 50k users, a comprehensive ban list of known exploiters, a group checker to increase clan safety, and channels for news, communication, and marketing. The goal of Clanware is to foster a positive and safe environment for players to enjoy the sword fighting aspect of Roblox Clanning.

Resource Overview

This resource is primarily for groups that want to avoid DDOSing that have admins in game most of the time. When you join the server, it moves you to a reserved server if you are an admin, if you are not an admin, you will need to wait until an admin approves you to join. This resource is primarily set up for fighting games, where you have raiders and defenders, however you can edit it to suit your needs. By default, this has support for private servers.

You will see the Clanware emblem on the “hub” page, this is integrated with the Clanware Banlist, which has over 1400 exploiters currently. It will either say:

  • “None”, if they have no case,
  • “XPLT”, if they have an exploiter case,
  • “DGN”, if they have a degenerate case.


Set Up

  • Place the script in ServerScriptService
  • Simply add your roblox user id to the “Admins” table in the main script.
  • Additionally, you can set a player to automatically be given admin, if they are above a certain rank in a group.


You can configure all settings ingame, or set defaults in studio.

DefenderGroups and RaiderGroups

Add IntValues with the Value as the group id, then it will automatically be added to the defender/raider groups.

Auto Accept Defenders/Raiders

When people in the raider or defender groups pend for the server, they are automatically accepted.

Auto Decline Mercenaries

Declines people who are not in raider or defender groups.

Auto Decline New Accounts

Automatically declines players whose age is under the minimumAge in days.

Auto Accept Oldest Pender

If there is space in the server (as defined by maximumPlayerCount), then the players who pend will be automatically accepted.

