Clarification on code flagged for safety review

That’s just like saying a game developer used Unreal engine to share personal information to other people.

Is Unreal engine at fault? No.


the chat filter already censors several members of the API though lol

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That’s actually good, as I remember a drama with one of developer, his free modelem club where there were some links to other sites and his personal info.

No, because Unreal Engine doesn’t host and compute the games it creates.
Roblox is not just a tool, it is a platform, which has specific legal and social responsibilities for the content it hosts, especially regarding <13 users.

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That can’t be legal. Blanket statements of “you can’t sue us because you signed this piece of paper, period” should not be legal if it is.


That’s literally how waivers and liability releases work…

And? How many devs are under 13?

Under 13 devs don’t exist, or aren’t supported, particularly when you look at the DevForum’s 13+ only policy.


Typically they list specific things they aren’t liable for. This says “in all cases”.

For example, many trampoline parks make you sign waivers for bodily injury because you were informed beforehand of this liability.

Honestly, if Roblox wants to use a waiver in this regard they can also use it to defend themselves from parents because they can also just say “private content that you may access through Team Create and Group Game functionalities in Studio are not moderated, and we are not liable for anything otherwise invisible to the public. (i.e. scripts)”

Why are they attacking devs and not putting defenses up against triggerhappy media and parents?

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Okay… and how is this not just security theater for media platforms? Misdirected security theater, at that?

They could easily just change what the “Specialized Staff” does. It would be better if they were a team to manage stolen assets, etc. Now that would be so much better than just wasting man power on moderating something that only developers or exploiters will see. It’s like they’re protecting the exploiter here if anything.

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They’re not even protecting exploiters cuz comments and variable names, as far as I know, don’t even compile. Maybe variable names and strings, but regardless, protecting exploiters is unnecessary and stupid.

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I don’t quite understand why people should be punished for having code in their scripts that’s clearly supposed to be private. It seems quite unnecessary.

It’s not like anyone is gonna see the code through normal means. So why should it matter? Private code is private code, period.

How am I supposed to learn how to program without being scared that I’m going to accidentally make a mistake and get terminated? Over private code?

Other things can be done to improve moderation, you know. :sweat:


Guys. Our messages are like repetitive ones that have been said from other people from the past. It’s turning into spams.

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bro ive seen you so many times on this one topic by now your literally making the most random posts my guy, can you please make a point


Roblox wouldn’t discourage users from playing un-popular games. That would be prejudice to smaller developers. Games, even non-popular ones aren’t inappropriate at least 99% of the time. In fact, I’ve seen a blatantly inappropriate game that made it on to the front page. (Thankfully, it got taken down later).

It doesn’t look like your post has any sort of meaningful content, perhaps consider wording the same in 1-2 sentences next time? This is a dramatic display that just repeats previously brought up points in a less coherent manner.

Again, please stop making assumptions and assuming that Roblox will just randomly intervene in your code. They haven’t been causing issues with this policy so far apart from a few anecdotal cases, so you’re worrying over nothing.


There’s like 1-2 developers that got permbanned from some lines of code so…that’s mostly why everyone is scared right now.

Plus the real-life virus going on doesnt make things better…it’s pretty much chaos in real life and Roblox.

Everyone’s just under so much pressure right now…


you do realize nothin your saying has literally anything to do with op, like bruh when did youtubers get into the convo


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I agree, I don’t want to get permabanned myself, so therefore I will lay off on learning how to program for a while until a proper solution is on the table.

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You guys need to know that this isn’t a Discord Chat.

It needs to stay on topic. People are still stressed out about Covid19 regardless if your city might be doing better now.

I’m still mentally exhausted that I’ve still not yet gotten a resolution, yet multiple top contributors and community sage users are simply brushing off this policy as positive when the polls in this topic says otherwise.