Clarification On DataStore Data Limit

The Wiki says that in a DataStore the amount of data is limited to 260000 characters. So I just want to be certain that I understand exactly which data is limited to this length. (I think it is #1 in the list below).

Using the structure below as an example, and looking just at the player_1234 scope in that example.

Does the limit apply to:

  1. The amount of data in a single record? For example, the record with the key Food, can only have a value that is less than 260000 characters.

  2. Or, the amount of data in a single DataStore? For example, the entire DataStore named Resources can only have 260000 characters.

  3. Or, the amount of data in the entire Scope? For example, the entire scope named player_1234 can only have 260000 characters.


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IIRC you can have as many keys as you want in a datastore, but a single key can only store 260000 characters.


Yes it’s per key. I’ve tested this. I have a system that is automatically splitting between keys when the limit is reached and it works. No limit to amount of keys.